Subject: The best news I heard all week (this story might make you cry...)



Hi Friend,

Happy Sunday - I hope you had a nice week!

And Happy Memorial Day! I don't know about you, but this really crept up on me. Either way, I'm grateful for the weather to be warming up (and to finally put away my winter coat, which I was wearing well into May!). Pausing to think about those who've made the greatest sacrifice for our country also puts things in perspective right now.

Here are a few things I wanted to share:


The best news I heard all week

A close friend's father was released from the hospital after a harrowing 61-day stay at UCSF (which included 34 days on a ventilator) as he battled COVID-19. Yes, he's "one-in-a-million." With the family's blessing, I wanted to share this article from the San Francisco Chronicle. It's an inspiring story of hope, perseverance, love, and the incredible power of positive thinking. If you can't read the full Chronicle article (I was able to on mobile, but not desktop without a subscription), you can see most of the story here.

kale salad

Seasonal eats

It's ramps season, and this easy porkchop recipe is my favorite way to use these lovely alliums. Here's more info about ramps. They're most commonly grown in Europe, Asia and the Great Lakes region--hence why I only discovered them recently. Check your local market to see if you can find them. It's a short season, so grab 'em while you can!

P.S. if you've never cooked your radishes, you're missing out! You can eat the greens too!

kale salad

Five Two skillet sale

I'm a huge fan of the Five Two line (Food52's* in-house brand, led by my sis, aka my cookware and tabletop guru). I wanted to share that their skillet sets are on sale for $69 off this weekend! I have (and love) the set pictured here. I guess Padma's a fan too (she practially uses the whole Five Two line-up in this video)!

Their non-sticks are made from a non-toxic diamond-infused ceramic coating (no PTFE, PFOA, PFAS, lead, or cadmium).  But keep in mind that all non-sticks are somewhat delicate and are NOT recommended for high heat. Always follow the care instructions.

kale salad

My Thrive Market haul

I recently shared a little about my grocery shopping strategy--and I've doubled down on that in the past few months. I get produce and fresh meat at my local grocery store and order pantry, non-perishables and personal care items from Thrive Market*.

I get a lot of questions about products, so I made this video, which walks through a recent order and a few tips. The video description has a summary if you don't want to watch the whole thing (I don't blame you!). If you're interested in trying Thrive Market*, you can get up to $20 in shopping credit through this link.


That's it for this week! Thank you for reading and staying connected--I'm especially grateful for this community right now!

Enjoy the long weekend! Wishing you a safe and healthy week ahead. 

Be well,

Jess XO

P.S. Please pass this along if you know someone who'd enjoy the content! Here's how to stay connected: weekly newsletterInstagramPinterest, and Facebook. You can also reply directly to this message. I'd love to hear from you!


*Note: I partner with a select handful of companies (that I shop from regularly!) and I'm also an Amazon Associate. I receive a small commission on qualifying purchases made through the provided links at no additional cost to you. In fact, I'm usually able to get you something extra, like a $.01 bottle of wine or a shopping credit when you make a purchase. These partnerships help cover some costs of running this site and help me bring you free content. Thank you for your support! 

Please feel free to ask if you have questions about any of these products. I will always give you my honest opinion and do my best to point you in the right direction!


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