Subject: Celebration ideas, Mexican recipes, & more reasons to exercise!



Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you well! I can't believe it's already May, but I'm so grateful for the warmer days and blooming flowers. Here's to getting some real vitamin D at last!

Something else I'm embracing: celebration. I'm the kind of person who'll take any excuse to have a special meal, wear something just for fun, open champagne, or make a toast. During this time, that looks different... it might be a virtual cheers over Zoom, a happy birthday visit from the sidewalk, or #FancyFancy. But it's certainly better than life without celebration!

Here're a couple ideas if you'd like to get festive this week:

Italian Chopped Salad (vegetarian)

Cinco de Mayo

Here are 4 Mexican-inspired recipes for your fiesta:

And if you're so inclined, try my go-to cocktail: a skinny margarita. It's just a cup of ice, 1oz mezcal (or tequila), juice from 1/2 a lime, 1/4 teaspoon of maple syrup, topped with soda.

Italian Chopped Salad (vegetarian)

Mother's Day

Whether you're lucky enough to have a mother in your household, or if you'd like to do something special to honor your mom from afar, these are some of my favorite salad recipes for the occasion. Here's another popular one if you have some butternut or delicata squash to use up.

Also, here's the beautiful gift guide from Food52* and a special from Dry Farm Wines* if your mom (or you!) would appreciate a selection of natural, sugar-free rosés.


Exercise & immune support

I enjoyed this episode of the Goop podcast interview with Peter Attia, MD. He's a data-focused physician and longevity specialist, whose entire team is now focused on COVID-19. He talks about the importance of sleep and the role that "zone 2" exercise plays in immune support and longevity (apparently stressing the body to the point where you can just barely manage to carry on a conversation is ideal). No surprise that's in line with what I've learned about the exercise trends in Blue Zones.

Research from the University of Virginia School of Medical also suggests that "regular exercise may reduce the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome, a major cause of death in patients with the COVID-19 virus." 


Children and devices

Given that children are using devices more than ever, I was inspired to share my thoughts on a controversial topic: EMF exposure. Here are some tips and why I err on the side of caution when it comes this category. Note: these tips also apply to adults!


That's it for this week! Thank you for reading and staying connected during this crazy time. Sending you a huge hug and wishing you a safe, healthy, and sunny week ahead. I hope you stay well, give yourself grace, and extend that to the people around you as much as possible. 

Be well,

Jess XO

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* After being a customer myself, I now partner with a handful of companies. I receive a small commission on qualifying purchases made through these links at no additional cost to you. These partnerships help cover some costs of running this site and help me bring you free content. Thank you for your support! 


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