Subject: IMPORTANT Nas, Change in Bitcoin Address


Dear Nas,

You have recently made a change to your bitcoin address in the system from IP Address 2604:6000:1113:d057:d494:22fd:5bfa:7085

It is important that you immediately let us know if that was NOT you, and if that is the case, immediately change your password and put in your proper wallet again, if it wasn't.


At any time, if you would like any other help, please always go to: SUPPORT.WealthBot.ONLINE


Please ensure to WHITELIST WealthBot.ONLINE, WealthBot.INFO, Wealthbot.ME, and WealthBot.AI to prevent missing emails!

PS. If you accidentally unsubscribe from GetResponse emails... you won't receive any of these system emails either!  If that happens by accident, because it is permanent, to correct,  do please  sign into your profile and update your email address to a new one!


PS. Nas, if we might ask, how are we doing?

What else might we do to help Catalyze YOU to go Viral now only with word of mouth  Nas?

Please click SUPPORT.WealthBot.ONLINE and let us know please, if you will Nas?