Subject: Latest Headlines inc.Feeling Deeply - an Excerpt from Rituals for the Soul

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Are You the Black Sheep of the Family? (9 Signs)

What happens when you are rejected, outcasted, marginalized, and even disowned from your birth family? 

If you're the black sheep of your family, guest writer Aletheia Luna has some healing answers.
Shiitake Mushrooms Proven to Benefit Dozens of Diseases

If you're looking for a superfood to support your immune system health and act as an overall health tonic, shiitake mushrooms are a top choice. As a bonus, they impart a savory umami flavor to virtually any meal they touch. 

By guest writer Dr Edward F Group.
Feeling Deeply: An Excerpt from Rituals of the Soul

In this excerpt from her new book, guest writer Kori Hahn shares the wonder that can occur when you discover that yoga is a whole life system which can teach you to within and to find your own superpowers.
4 Easy Ways to Look After Your Mental Health This Festive Season

Even if your mental health is normally good, the festive period can easily grind us down. Here are four easy reminders on how you can best look after your mental health this year. 

By staff writer Nikki Harper.
Did you know that you have an ancient type of energy nestled at the base of your spine?

From ancient sages to modern-day seekers, many have experienced the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken this dormant Kundalini energy.

When activated in the right way, there are few things that can accelerate your spiritual awakening faster than tapping into this divine force within you.

For that reason, we’re delighted to invite you to a special FREE online event with spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury:

This complimentary hour long event will show you how Kundalini can transform your life and will help you explore deeper ways to experience this sacred, divine energy.

RSVP here to claim your FREE place!

During this event, you will:
  • Discover the origins of Kundalini Shakti practices in Tantra, Kaula, Krama, Sri Vidya, and other ancient Indian Schools of Wisdom
  • Learn 3 amazing Shakti breathing techniques to help open all your Nadis (subtle energy channels)
  • Receive initiation into an ancient Shakti Mantra that can quickly awaken this powerful energy in you
  • Discover how to visualize and experience the 3 types of Kundalini Shakti in your body through Raja’s guided Shakti transmission, mantra, and energy
  • Map your body as a sacred temple that Kundalini can rise through, and discover the essential secrets of the Sri Chakra Yantra as a map of your inner and outer worlds
Raja will dispel many common myths about Kundalini and lay out a clear pathway for working with breath, mantras, mudras, and light to help you open to the blessings of Kundalini.

As Raja teaches, Kundalini can clear channels in your body, emotions, mind, and soul, allowing you to receive the divine energy pouring through your cells.

If you want to learn more about this evolutionary force of divine power within you, this free workshop is an excellent place to start – sign up here today – don’t miss this chance!

As you open to this evolutionary force of divine power within you, you’ll begin to liberate more energy not only for your spiritual life but for your career, your creativity, and your service in the world – take the first steps today and register here.

Don’t worry if you can’t attend this event live: a downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you are able to listen to the scheduled event.

Articles From The Archive
The Health Benefits Of Finding Your Tribe

Every single one of us craves the feeling of being part of something bigger than ourselves. By nature, we are tribal, and back in our caveman days, tribal culture was necessary for survival. But increasingly, we have become disconnected from our tribe. We know our people are out there – somewhere, anywhere – but we feel lost and disconnected from them. 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin.
Aloe Vera – The Healing Elixer

Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis), known as the ‘elixer of youth’ in Russia, held a legendary status in ancient times for its miraculous healing properties. The classical Ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda, regarded A.loe Vera as sacred. To this day the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant are laid atop of funeral pyres to symbolise eternal rebirth. 

By Guest Writer James Hartley.
Question Everything!

There can be many reasons why you don't question everything. Because you have always taken for granted all that is around you is true. Because it is the 'norm'. Because everyone else does it, or believes it to be true. Because that's the way it's always been. Because some "authority" or the TV news tells you it's so. Did you ever stop to think that maybe 'they' were wrong? 

By Guest Writer Jan Fox.
Fluoride: the Deadly Elixir in our Water Supplies

Water is amazing, a cleanser, a life giver, an object of beauty and we, as human beings, consist of around 80% water. Some scientists are now beginning to take a closer look into the qualities of water and finding some quite remarkable attributes that exist in our life giving elixir. 

By Guest Writer Peter Paul Parker.
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