Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Wholeness: 3 Sacred Paths to Finding Your Inner Center

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Fermented Foods: How to ‘Culture’ Your Way to Optimal Health

Fermented foods are chock-full of probiotics or good bacteria. A myriad of research has demonstrated how the ideal balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut forms the foundation for well-being.

Discover the phenomenal health benefits of fermented vegetables and learn how you can easily prepare these nutrient-rich foodstuffs at home. 

By guest writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
Is Recycling Really Good for the Environment?

You’re proud of each bag that ends up in your local recycling plant, but do you know where it goes from there? People have begun to wonder if recycling is so good for the environment after all.

There are many ways to reduce waste and help the planet - knowing whether or when recycling should be part of that mix involves some thinking. 

By guest writer Jane Marsh.
Wholeness: 3 Sacred Paths to Finding Your Inner Center

What is wholeness, how does it fit into your spiritual journey, and how you can find it within yourself?

Wholeness is holiness – and this is why when we have a direct experience of our wholeness it tends to feel like a mystical experience of awe, gratitude, love, and reverie. 

By guest writer Mateo Sol.
7 Natural Options to Relieve Cluster Headaches

If you suffer from the intense pain of cluster headaches, you don't have to reach for narcotic pain relievers. Try these natural options to relieve cluster headaches without addictive medications.

From melatonin and psilocybin to Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, there are a host of natural pain relief options which work well for cluster headaches. 

By contributing writer Sayer Ji.
This past year was full of stressors and emotions none of us were expecting.

Many of us experienced new levels of isolation — and interacting with others while wearing masks was a bit disorienting because we weren’t receiving the same social cues we were used to. We put so much effort into getting through it all — but what can we do to heal, rest, relax, and restore ourselves, especially now that our world is opening back up?

As many are discovering in these pivotal days, a deeper understanding of the vagus nerve, which plays a powerful role in your central nervous system, holds the answer – and this empowering workshop will teach you what you need to know:

Discover Your Vagus Nerve as an Energetic Healing Pathway for Optimal Wellbeing

While trauma and stress patterns leave an imprint on your nervous system, you CAN rewrite these patterns to reclaim your health and take back your power — with easy (yet potent) energy medicine exercises that tap into your vagus nerve to relax and restore your mind, body, and spirit.

Join us for a fascinating free event with Melanie Smith, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, as she shares the magic and wonder of the vagus nerve.

You’re likely all too familiar with the fight-flight-freeze response of the sympathetic nervous system…

But you may not know about its partner, the parasympathetic nervous system — and the essential role the connected vagus nerve plays in your wellbeing, which Dr. Melanie will explain during this transformative mini-workshop.

RSVP here to grab your place at this empowering vagus nerve workshop.

Dr. Melanie will also guide you through The Peacemaker, a powerful self-care practice that focuses on your vagus nerve to reduce stress and anxiety so you can relax. As you’ll discover, you can use this versatile, simple exercise anytime and anywhere.

She provides a unique fusion of energy medicine, sound healing, acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, functional medicine, energy psychology, and nutrition to meet the individual needs of her thousands of clients and students.

During your hour with Dr. Melanie, you’ll discover how the vagus nerve transmits sensory signals from the gut, liver, heart, and lungs to your brain — and how you can harness its power to unlock radiant health and emotional wellbeing.

Intrigued? Sign up here for free access to this 60-minute online event!

Get ready to discover:
  • The power of the vagus nerve — how it functions, and why it’s essential to your health and wellbeing
  • The ways the vagus nerve helps you rebalance and experience a feeling of safety from trauma, and more
  • The unique abilities of the vagus nerve — and how they can positively impact your life and health
  • Ways to harness the inner workings of your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems — your fight-or-flight instincts and your rest-restore-relax instincts — to instantly address stress and other emotional challenges
  • The Peacemaker, a powerful self-care exercise you can do anywhere
The last 18 months have no doubt been among the most stressful you can ever remember. We all owe it to ourselves and to our loved ones to reclaim our peace in whatever way we can – and the vagus nerve could be your key to a stress-free future.

Here’s to peace of mind!

Articles From The Archive
Co-Creation: Five Paths Toward Personal Power

Of our many innate powers as human beings, our power of intention heralds as the primary key to unlocking our ability to co-create reality. When our energy moves from the mind outward into the physical realm, ferried by the vehicle of intention, the world becomes a reflection of our will. 

By Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times.
DIY Cleaning: Dirt Cheap Soft Soap

Today I am going to share with you my DIRT CHEAP SOFT SOAP recipe. And by dirt cheap, I mean as low as 80 cents or less for a gallon jug of the stuff. And the best part about it is that I only had to purchase one item to make up a batch of this wonderful stuff. So how did I do it? Let me share the basic recipe. 

By Guest Writer Gaye Levy.
Have We Lost All Common Sense?

When did we become a society of followers? Once amazingly self-sufficient and full of common sense, we now depend upon the hundreds of popular theories surrounding everything from how we should eat, how we should exercise to how we should think. Most are conflicting in their viewpoints and yet all claim to be based on “research”. Has old fashioned common sense been lost? 

By Guest Writer Dr. Michelle Kmiec.
Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Are you finding it difficult getting to sleep or staying asleep? Or
are you waking up in the middle of the morning feeling wide awake? In recent times, it has become apparent that symptoms of insomnia have dramatically increased around the world.

By guest writer Drew.
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