Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Walking the Path of the Soul Through Crazy Times

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
I Chose This? The Purpose of Suffering

Everyone goes through periods of suffering. But what if, through radical responsibility, the matter of cause and effect could be reclaimed as something entirely within your control?

If you could choose a life completely free from any kind of suffering, would you really? Perhaps not, because deep down many of us instinctively sense that suffering has a purpose in our lives. By guest writer Kelly Brogan, MD.
5D Shift: Walking the Path of the Soul Through Crazy Times

During troubled times, the Sacred Ground of Being becomes your mast in the storm - but then from this place, like the wind, the soul blows into your sails and takes direction. This is where we need to learn how to navigate, or else it's all too easy to get blown back onto 3D rocks once more. 

By contributing writer Open.
The 9 Best Herbs for Lung Cleansing and Respiratory Support

Whether you're inhaling toxins or simply want to ensure your lungs are healthy, nature has provided a number of herbs and botanicals that provide deep nutrition for the respiratory system.

Discover the nine herbs which can help keep your lungs in tip top condition, with guest writer Dr Edward F Group.
Could You Benefit from Ayurvedic Medicine for Cancer?

In Ayurveda, any imbalance in the body system is caused by the overexpression or underexpression of one or more of the Doshas. Hence, all disease, including cancer, begins with them.

Take a closer look at the healing powers of ayurvedic medicine with guest writer Ty Bollinger.
If you’re like many of us, you probably have a cabinet full of medicines for everything under the sun. But do you ever stop and wonder about alternatives that may be safer, more effective, and far less expensive than what we’re buying over the counter?

If you prefer a holistic form of healing that allows you to take control of your health — with prevention and the treatment of symptoms in mind — then look no further than plants in the great outdoors.

But how do you get started with natural medicine? Why not join us for a free workshop which will set you off down the path of natural healing:

Demystifying the Herbal Formulas of Chinese, Ayurvedic and Western Plant Medicine for Enhanced Healing, Immunity and Resilience – An Online Workshop

Our host for this empowering hour is David Crow, one of the world’s leading experts in botanical medicine and grassroots healthcare; David will explore highly effective plant medicine formulas and how they serve different functions when they are consumed.

Discover how herbal medicine works on a holistic level, strengthening the body from the inside out — not masking symptoms, but providing an effective, safer, and more sustainable approach to healing.

David will show you several reputable store-bought herbal medicines — what’s in their formulas and how they aid different ailments ranging from digestion problems to stress.

Register here free of charge for the Demystifying Herbal Formulas workshop

In this fascinating hour, you’ll discover:
  • Some of the most important formulas found in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Western plant medicine traditions — some dating back over a thousand years — that do everything from building up your immune system to supporting liver and kidney function
  • How to use readily available herbs and spices to create 3 formulas, following important principles of herbal compounding, for common digestive problems
  • How to create blend infusions, decoctions, tinctures, powders, and essential oils
  • Three ancient formulas from Traditional Chinese Medicine for treating the physical consequences from different forms of stress
  • A classical Ayurvedic formula for rejuvenation — and how to know if it’s appropriate for your constitution
  • How to demystify the formulas of plant medicines sold in stores
David will share his knowledge about how certain plant preparations promote healing through their mineral and vitamin content. Some herbs can be used to cleanse your body and increase your energy, while others help filter and eliminate the many toxins we absorb or ingest as part of daily life.

Learn how pharmaceuticals today are largely prescribed to mask symptoms without getting to the root cause of the illness. That’s alarming because not only can the synthetic nature of drugs create toxicity within the body, such drugs can become ineffective and cause other health-related issues after long-term use.

Plants, on the other hand, contain many of the same compounds we have in our bodies, which enables cellular recognition and the ability to break down compounds. With proper medical supervision, many people can confidently turn to plant medicine to free themselves from prescription medications and their long-term side effects.

Don’t miss this empowering and free herbal medicine workshop – RSVP here!

We’re so focused on our busy lives these days that we’ve forgotten how to care for ourselves, prevent illness, and treat simple ailments when they occur.

However, after David’s workshop, you’ll be able to confidently walk into any pharmacy, natural product store, or health food store, and buy a high-quality botanical formulated that works best for you.

Articles From The Archive
Make Your Own Topical Home Remedies & Salves, the Easy Way

What will you do when tubes of triple antibiotic cream is no longer as close as the pharmacy department of the nearest Wal-Mart? With a little study and preparation, you’ll make your own, of course! Salves and balms are very simple and can be made in a few easy steps. They have two basic components – the base and the healing herbs. 

By Guest Writer Tess Pennington.
Social Transformation – Like Ripples in an Ocean

Our actions and reactions are like ripples in an infinite ocean. Whatever affects one aspect of reality, affects the whole of reality. No person should feel that he or she is unable to participate in the process of social transformation. Each person, no matter who he or she is, can influence the future present. There is no cause that does not effect. 

By Guest Writer Paul Lenda.
Detoxing the Body of Parasites – Discover the Best Herbal Remedies for Banishing these Health Destroying Intruders

Linked with cancer, seizures, asthma and more, parasites are an invisible, yet very real, threat to health. Difficult to diagnose, physicians and medical personnel often miss the connection between a parasitic infection and serious disease. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright.
What Story Do YOU Tell?

As a hunter-gatherer, an audible hush in the jungle would have triggered story-lines in your instinctive mind, intimately wired into your being to keep you and your tribe safe. Today, despite our evolution, the primal instinct to instantaneously piece a story together based on external cues does not and cannot help us meet our higher emotional and spiritual needs. 

By Guest Writer Caroline Diana Bobart.
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