Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Understanding Inflammation … and How To Eliminate It Naturally. PLUS inflammation-busting Golden Milk recipe!

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Emotional Energetic Healing: The Future of Medicine is Here

What the ancients all recognized, science is now validating: Emotions alter the functioning of the body. Energy medicine is working with the human energetic system to create wellness is an esteemed practice that produces tangible results. So how do we experience healing by addressing subconscious negative emotional patterns? 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
Step Into The Role – An Esoteric Invitation

We’re at an amazing and empowering juncture in humanity’s history. For each of us individually now is always the most profound turning point, as each decision we take directs our next step. But collectively there are extremely significant eras or epochs during our development and now is one of them. 

By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
Understanding Inflammation … and How To Eliminate It Naturally

Inflammation is a sign that the body has initiated self healing, but when inflammation is prolonged, it can result in an excessive free radical activity and tissue damage. There are numerous mechanisms in the body which can cause inflammation and it can show up in various forms, but most of the time it directly involves a dysfunction of the digestive system. 

By Contributing Writer Raluca Schachter
How To See Through The Smoke And Mirrors

Shifting our attention from the mainstream to the fringes can be both exciting and daunting. It’s not just a jungle out there; it’s a maze, a fun house, and a mad carnival where everything and anything can find a niche and an audience. To those who come to take a brief look, it can appear exactly as the mainstream tells us to perceive it: a madhouse rife with charlatans and trolls, praying on naivety and ignorance. But for those who bother to explore a little more deeply, certain patterns begin to emerge... 

By Guest Writer Christina Lavers 

In naval warfare, a “false flag” refers to an attack where a vessel flies a flag other than their true battle flag before engaging their enemy. It is a trick, designed to deceive the enemy about the true nature and origin of an attack. In the democratic era, where governments require at least a plausible pretext before sending their nation to war, it has been adapted as a psychological warfare tactic to deceive a government’s own population into believing that an enemy nation has attacked them. 

By Guest Writer James Corbett
Awakening: The Next Step

Waking up – awakening, moments of enlightenment, whatever you want to call it – is not about feeling good all the time, floating so high off the surface of this planet that we no longer relate to the people on it. Waking up is about opening our eyes to the realities of the needs of the planet and its people, and taking action... right here, right now.

By Guest Writer Mary Batson
Free Online Health Summits
The Depression Sessions introduces you to 22 hand-picked medical doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists, and holistic psychiatrists, who will reveal the latest cutting-edge information and drug-free solutions for conquering depression and anxiety, naturally.


It showcases the voices of 70+ top professionals and thought-leaders who’ll help us step into new possibilities and a healthier future. The conference explores cutting edge thinking in these diverse and fascinating realms: Nutrition, The Psychology of Eating, Functional Medicine, Cultural Transformation, Spiritual Awakening, The New Sexuality, Supplements Herbs and Medicinals, Planetary Health, Our Global Future, and much more…

This will be the largest online conference of its kind, with interviews that are honest, in depth, edgy, information rich, and designed to give you some new inspirations and “aha” moments.

The 3 Most Powerful Tools for Pineal Gland Activation

Of all of the countless foods, exercises and techniques used to help awaken and activate the pineal gland, perhaps none exist with as much power to take you to the highest levels of human consciousness than the following 3 tools. Since there are no quick fixes or shortcuts to activating and strengthening the pineal gland, the following techniques mentioned require self-discipline, dedication and a burning desire for ascended health and consciousness. 

By Guest Writer Joshua Eagle
7 Natural Alternatives Better than Drugs for Health and Healing

Natural medicine is an amazing field, full of inspiring stories and an ever-accumulating body of scientific research to support its increasingly popular view of health. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
Raising Awake Children in a Broken School System

Traditional schools, in the U.S and many other countries, are training grounds, intentionally constructed to prepare children for The System. If schools taught our children to be self-sufficient, confident and well-equipped for real life, The System would crash, or at the very least, dissolve naturally over time. Why don't we tell our children the truth about The System as soon as they are old enough to understand? Instead of teaching children how to get along in a dysfunctional world, why don’t we teach our kids how to create their lives based on their highest values? 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
What Reading a Novel Does to Your Brain

The scientific world has good news for those who like nothing better than to curl up with a good novel. You already know that reading can delight, transport and intrigue you, but now you can add another benefit to this list: reading a novel actually enhances connectivity within the brain. 

By Guest Writer Mary West
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