Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Thyroid Supplements - How to Pick the Best One

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
As Left and Right Argue Over their 'Waves', the Legal Weed 'Green Wave' Continues Despite Federal Prohibition

Voters in two more states approved ballot measures legalizing marijuana on Tuesday despite the ongoing federal prohibition of cannabis, continuing a 50-year history of efforts by the state to nullify the feds, cities to nullify the state – and individuals to nullify them all. 

Glutathione – Hidden Miracle of Life

Glutathione, found in every cell of the body, is a powerful antioxidant that can repair and protect the body from harmful toxins and other dangers we encounter in our polluted environment. 

By guest writer Dr Michelle Kmiec.
Nothing Will Come of It”: Understanding the Blessings of the Void of Course Moon

Void of course Moon energy can be summed up as 'nothing will come of it' - but there are times and tasks where this is definitely a blessing. Learn how to use the void of course Moon to your advantage. 

By staff writer Nikki Harper.
Thyroid Supplements: How to Pick the Best One

If you have a thyroid problem, there are so many supplements on the market that the choice can be baffling. Here's some expert insight into the right kind of supplements - and the wrong kind. 

By guest writer Dr Edward F Group.
If you or a loved one suffer from any kind of chronic illness, you’ll know how debilitating and distressing it can be.

You’ve probably tried different therapies and remedies, and yet you still can’t get relief from your symptoms.

You’ve probably also tried whatever medication your doctor prescribed, with all of its accompanying side effects and issues.

Nothing seems to work, right?

That could be because you’re trying to treat the wrong thing.

What if the root cause of chronic illness is actually in the brain?

Ashok Gupta is a well-known Neuroplasticity “brain retraining” expert who has spent 25 years researching the effects of the brain and the mind on illness, and has dedicated his life to support patients towards recovery.

Now he has released a free Ebook that will teach you powerful techniques to retrain your brain and gain relief from all kinds of chronic conditions.

Get your free copy here: The Gupta Program: Advanced Brain Retraining for Chronic Conditions

In this fantastic book, you’ll learn:
  • How the root cause of many chronic illnesses may lie in the brain
  • How vicious cycles between the brain and body can cause immune dysfunction and prevent the body healing itself
  • That the brain is “neuroplastic” and rewireable, empowering us to take charge of our health for self-healing
  • How “Neuroplasticity” is a new exciting drug-free branch of medicine that will revolutionize healthcare, and already has randomized controlled trials to prove it
  • Simple powerful techniques, backed up by science, to improve your brain health and support healing from a variety of conditions
What’s more, when you claim your free Ebook today, you’ll also get immediate access to a free 28-day trial of the world renowned Gupta Program.

Go here to get your immediate Ebook download and access your 28-day trial!

The Gupta Program method has seen incredible results for people suffering from:
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Physical Pain
  • IBS
  • And more…
Neuroplasticity and “brain retraining” has also been shown to help people suffering from chronic anxiety, panic attacks and mental trauma.

Get access to this incredible method today, before your illness takes over your life.

Join the countless people who have revived their physical and mental health through the Gupta Program.

It all starts here – with your free 28-day trial!

Take a look at the brain scan images below:

Notice how different parts of the brain are firing off in each scan?

Each active part of the brain (red) was triggered when patients were asked to perform specific physical functions or recall serious traumas.

Incredibly, brain scans like these were able to demonstrate that patients’ illnesses, chronic symptoms, and “permanent” diagnoses (both physical and mental) actually originated in their brains!

See the eye-opening evidence now and get free access to Ashok Gupta’s advanced methods right here.

Here’s to the power of your brain!

Articles From The Archive

Have you had the experience of overeating after switching to a more conscious diet – feeling like you need to eat more, then feeling heavy and lethargic? 

By contributing writer Open.
Are You in a Chaotic or Energy-Sucking Relationship?

Do you have a friend, partner or parent who spews their emotions, crosses boundaries or manipulates the relationship according to their needs? If so, they may be suffering from the social/relationship disorder called Amorphia! 

By contributing writer Nanice Ellis.
The Breathing Wave: Yoga as Energy Medicine

This simple yoga exercise will deepen your awareness of the amazing wave-like energy that exists in your spine, show you how this energy is connected to and informed by your breath, and help you live your greatest joy… 

By guest writer Parvati Devi.
Those Who Don’t Believe In Magic Will Never Find It

I am not a philosopher or a mystic. I am just a regular girl. But we live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don’t believe in magic? 

By guest writer Shubhra Chaturvedi.
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