Subject: Latest Headlines inc. The Truth About Chemotherapy – History, Effects and Natural Alternatives

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Treating cancer is BIG business. In fact, each year in the USA alone, conventional cancer treatments generate over $200 billion in revenue. Despite this, cancer is still the #2 leading cause of death in the United States and Great Britain, and the #1 leading cause of death in Canada and Australia. 

But it doesn't need to be this way. “The Truth About Cancer” docu-series is going to change how you think about this devastating disease. Click here to watch the series for FREE. Or take this 42-second 'Truth About Cancer' risk-factor quiz to learn if the odds of a cancer diagnosis are in your favor.

Have you ever considered the curious fact that, except for facial hair in men, and scalp, underarm and pubic hair in both men and women, we are the only primates to have lost our protective and heat-conserving coat of hair? There are several fascinating theories that may explain this… 

By contributing writer Sayer Ji
Understanding The New World Order – The Who, What, How and Why.

A brief glance at history will tell you that emperors and tyrants have been trying to expand their power and influence over greater and greater areas for centuries. It just happens that today it can be done on a global scale like never before…

By guest writer Tim Bryant
The Truth About Chemotherapy – History, Effects and Natural Alternatives.

Treating cancer is BIG business. In fact, each year in the USA, conventional cancer treatments generate over $200 billion in revenue. Despite this, cancer is still the #2 leading cause of death in the United States and Great Britain, and the #1 leading cause of death in Canada and Australia. The actual impact of chemotherapy on a 5-year survival rate is a paltry 2.1% This article is going to change how you think about this devastating disease. 

By Guest Writer Ty Bollinger
Food for The Moon – Lunar Influences and the Matrix Control System.

The moon’s influence goes beyond merely creating ocean tides or driving biological cycles. More importantly, the moon exerts a significant influence upon our psychological and emotional states. 

By guest writer Montalk
Actor Mark Ruffalo Takes On Fossil Fuel Industry and Calls Out California Governor Jerry Brown.

Actor Mark Ruffalo recently brought attention to L.A.’s dangerous practice of oil drilling within city limits by embarking on a “toxic tour” of oil sites in the area, and exposing California governor Jerry Brown’s aggressive (and hypocritical) agenda for oil and gas extraction in the state. 

By contributing writer Carolanne Wright
Black Magic: Satanists Rule the World, Not Politicians, Bankers or Military Heads.

While the New World Order elite fulfill a hidden role and an outer, more respectable public role, it is the Satanic black magicians behind the scenes that constitute the true controllers of the world – at least in the human Earthly realm. 

By contributing writer Makia Freeman
When I Dream of a Planet in Recovery...

We, living now, have choices. We can remember what it is to be animals on this planet, and understand what it is to live and die in such a way that our lives and deaths help make the world stronger, making possible a ‘time after’, where life on Earth flourishes once more… 

By guest writer Derrick Jensen
Free Heath Summits
It’s quite astonishing when you think about it, but more people are affected by Lyme disease each year than breast cancer, yet we rarely think about Lyme as the cause of our medical maladies. In fact, 300,000+ are infected with Lyme disease each year, and most are without a bull’s eye rash or tick bite to help with diagnosis!

Do you have these unexplained symptoms?

Fatigue, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, Brain Fog, Anxiety, Poor Sleep, Mood Struggles, Cognitive Impairment.

Could you have been misdiagnosed with?

Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Autoimmune Conditions, ALS, Alzheimer’s Disease

Your host, Dr. Jay Davidson, nearly lost his wife to chronic Lyme disease, which prompted him to undergo years of research to help her heal. He’ll share that wisdom with you during The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit.

The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit is online and free

The theme of this inaugural summit is Medical Marijuana: Everything You Always Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask.

What does that mean for you?

Find out and tune in for FREE. Learn from top experts in the cannabis and holistic health communities who explain how this ancient plant works in concert with a multitude of healing modalities.

- Creating next generation innovations in the cannabis industry
– Following the history of cannabis – what a long strange trip it’s been!
– Medicating (less is more!) with cannabis for specific health conditions
– Maximizing the body’s endocannabinoid system (what’s that!) for optimal health
– Selecting the correct delivery systems (not necessarily smoking!) for medical marijuana
– Exploring the convergence among Western medicine, holistic modalities, and cannabis

No Garden? Here Are 66 Things You Can Can Grow At Home In Containers.

Growing your own food is exciting, not only because you get to see things grow from nothing into ready-to-eat fruits and veggies, but you also don't have to worry about the pesticides they might contain

By Rachel Cernansky
How Turmeric Keeps You Looking Young.

New research coming to light is showing that turmeric may keep you looking young, possibly slowing down the rate at which the skin ages. Is it time to start adding this yellow spice to your beauty regimen? 

 By Guest Writer Dr Edward Group
Eight Health Warnings Your Fingernails May Be Sending.

Are your fingernails healthy, or sending you a health warning? Fingernails and disease don’t go together in most minds… but they should. Your fingernails can give you valuable health warnings and signal the presence of serious disease.

By Jesse Cannone
25 Cancer Stem-Cell Killing Foods That Are Smarter Than Chemo and Radiation.

A study published in the journal Anticancer Research titled "Natural Products That Target Cancer Stem Cells" has identified 25 of the top foods and herbs that (unlike radiation and chemotherapy) kill malignant cancer stem cells at the root. These foods are listed here, along with some of their commonly recognizable dietary sources. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
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