Subject: Latest Headlines inc. The Great Conjunction: Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn and a New Dawn Arrives

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
The Great Conjunction: Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn and a New Dawn Arrives

The first Great Conjunction in an air sign for over 200 years, and the tightest of these rare Jupiter Saturn conjunctions since 1623 - occurring on the sacred December solstice date, at the end of such an extraordinary year, it's no wonder that this astrological event feels so epoch-making. 

By staff writer and astrologer Nikki Harper.
The Psychology of Nationalism: Transcending the Illusion of National Identity

Geographically and linguistically, all humans share the same origin. Nationalism is a psychological aberration, and we owe it to our ancestors, and to our descendants — and to the other species, and to the Earth itself — to move beyond it. 

By guest writer Steve Taylor, PhD.
Can Vaccines Alter a Child’s Health Trajectory?

A recently published landmark study has followed the overall health trajectories of over three thousand vaccinated and un-vaccinated pediatric patients, across a ten year period. The results were startling, as guest writer Kelly Brogan, MD, explores.
Global Games That Tyrants Play - and People Who Agree to be Played With

Explore a tale of ancient tyrants who clothed their people in masks and garments of pure fear, converting them to be followers of the Institute of Guilt and Shame. It couldn't happen today. Could it? Guest writer Andriana Eloha muses on how to exit theTyrannical Multi-Millennia Game.
Your voice is your original presence, your eternal identity.

Accessing the powerful vibrational energy of your voice as sound medicine can elevate your emotions and boost your self-confidence – which in turn stabilizes your autonomic nervous system, empowering you to release fear, trauma, shame, and narratives that no longer serve you.

It can also relieve us of the bewildering loss of identity we can experience in times of transition, opening a portal to our soul and most authentic self.

If this intrigues you, join us for an incredible FREE online workshop with international teacher, voice pioneer and author Chloë Goodchild:

Find Your Soul’s Voice and the Joy of Oneness: Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions and Reveal Your Eternal Identity

Chloë will share her conscious, confidence-building vocal practices to help you discover your voice as a natural healing medicine that transforms difficult emotions into spontaneous musical expressions inspired by deeper feelings that open you to the stream of love and gratitude beneath.

Register here for this FREE uplifting hour where you will:
  • Discover your voice as one of your most untapped resources for awakening and transforming yourself and the world at this unique time in history
  • Discover the vibrational energy of your voice as sound medicine that can help you release difficult emotions, such as fear, trauma, and shame
  • Learn how simple vocal sounding practices can open you to a new quality of awareness that connects you to Spirit and your eternal identity as a soul
  • Experience your voice as sound medicine that can transform feelings of loneliness into a felt sense of the spiritual nurturance of solitude
  • Hear, receive, and embody your own unique voice in a guided visualization and sound-healing journey into the Cave of Your Soul to shift feelings of separateness into a state of Oneness
Spontaneous, nonverbal “sound” enables you to hear yourself with new ears and express your emotions, without analysis or interpretation, or the need to get attached to outworn thinking.

It awakens a new storehouse of energy and resilience from deep within you, inspiring courage, especially during these uncertain times.

And Chloë guides us in using our voices to express, not to impress.

If you think you “can’t sing,” you’re invited to let go of this culturally imposed illusion to open to your unique, authentic sound.

RSVP here to join us in this uplifting, inspiring online workshop – and reclaim the power of your soul’s voice just when you need it the most!

If you cannot joint the event live, register to grab your free place anyway, as everyone registered will receive a free downloadable recording to keep. Let your voice sing out!

Articles From The Archive
Awakening to Creative Life

Although no two humans, snowflakes or blades of grass are identical, all interconnect with an underlying mystical unity, as all life possesses a unique spark of the Divine and its potential to create. Once we understand this, we become co-creators, opening ourselves to the transforming power of an active spirituality. 

By guest writer Stephen Wollaston (Santoshan).
Verbal Rape: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Will Never Hurt Me?

If someone is not ready to hear you, you don't get to decide whether that is valid or not - just as you don't get to decide whether someone's 'no' to physical touch is valid or not. 

By contributing writer Jack Adam Weber.
The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning and the Bastardization of Music

Research suggests that A=440Hz frequency music conflicts with human energy centers, from the heart to the base of the spine (ie. the lower four chakras) while the chakras above the heart are stimulated. Theoretically, the vibration stimulates ego and left-brain function, suppressing the “heart-mind,” intuition and creative inspiration. So how did we come to have the energetically disruptive A=440 Hz as the musical standard? 

By Guest Writer Brendan D. Murphy.
Alcohol Overload? How to Minimise the Harmful Effects of Excess Drinking

Having recently come through the holiday season, a period when alcohol consumption is notoriously high, there are undoubtedly countless people around the planet whose livers are in dire need of a little TLC. If you think you might fall into this category, here are a few things you can do to help your liver feel loved and healthy. 

By Contributing Writer Christina Lavers.
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