Subject: Latest Headlines inc. The Final Blood Moon Tetrad, Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Aries – The Reunion of the Feminine and Masculine

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Drought-Stricken California Slated to Run Out of Water Soon — But is This a Man-Made Crisis?

Last March, NASA released shocking news: California has about one year left of stored water. To some, this may not be surprising considering the state has been suffering over the last four years from severe drought, has a large population and a massive agricultural industry. But many are questioning whether California’s water supply running dry is truly a natural and unfortunate event, or if the crisis is being intentionally engineered for a specific purpose. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
Cancer, Coverups and Contamination: The Real Cost of Nuclear Energy

As a former employee of two US national nuclear labs, NO, I am NOT an advocate of nuclear power. Although it is touted as a clean and inexpensive form of energy, nuclear power is a very expensive form of energy, when one considers the financial costs, the impacts to public and environmental health – and the cost of truth, which is routinely and unscientifically sacrificed by biased industry operators and regulators. 

By Contributing Writer Andreas Toupadakis, Ph.D
The Final Blood Moon Tetrad, Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Aries – The Reunion of the Feminine and Masculine

With the Full Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Aries, the final Blood Moon of the tetrad, we are currently being faced with all and every multidimensional aspect of ourselves as our awareness is expanded and illuminated to new extremes. We are being offered a new beginning – the opportunity to embody the unified masculine and feminine within ourselves, and to begin manifesting it into our world. 

Full Spectrum Sex: The Secret to Oxytocin and a Blissful Sexual Connection

By understanding the trends of the underlying hormonal activities associated with sex and orgasm, and how the change in our chemistry affect our moods, behavior, desires and wants, we can learn to communicate with our body’s energy centers - and those of our sexual partner - in a very intimate way, working with our body’s hormonal system and energy centers to make sexual interaction a more spiritual and rewarding experience. 

By Contributing Writer Indra 
Scientific Review Reveals the 10 Best Cancer Killing Phytonutrients To Eat

Recently published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, a review of thirty years of research reveals 10 of the best food phytonutrients to ingest to protect against and even treat the root cause of most cancers. The review evaluated evidence for what natural compounds within various foods and spices target cancer stem cells (CSCs) at the root of cancer malignancy. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji 
The Plight Of The Pink Elephant

Although animal populations are severely threatened, the ivory trade around the world is still a brisk business for the über rich, who use the results of their kills to make collectibles or chess pieces. But now, some brilliant soul decided to take matters into their own hands and seeded an idea that is trending on social media right now: Dye the tusks of elephants pink. 

By Contributing Writer Carmen Allgood
Inner Activism – Ensuring “We” Don’t Become “Them”

We are all disgusted with the truth of what American and other first-world foreign policy is really about. The effects on people’s lives and on the Earth itself are devastating, and frankly, almost unspeakable. But we activists who fight for good, including myself, need to be aware of our own shadow, be honest about we fight for, and more importantly perhaps, why. And this is the difference between “us” and “them.” 

By Contributing Writer Jack Adam Weber
Sound Healing: The Power of Sound (Binaural Beats Meditation Included!)

Back in the 1960’s Swiss scientist Dr. Hans Gerry researched Cymatic frequencies and how they influence physical form. His exploration of the effects of Cymatic frequencies on matter came up with some breathtaking results. As Cymatics shows us, sound creates form and really does affect our physical condition in many ways. Sound also has the power to heal...

By Guest Writer Peter Paul Parker
Free Online Health Summits
80% of disease symptoms are caused by problems in the mouth, and millions are exposed to disease-promoting dental procedures every day!

Jonathan Landsman gathered 34 of the world’s top experts to show you the best ways to improve oral health,prevent and reverse disease symptoms, and save thousands of dollars in unwanted medical expenses. By attending the Holistic Oral Health Summit, you’ll learn how to identify, prevent and eliminate the roots of disease.

The Holistic Oral Health Summit is online and free

September 28 – October 5, 2015!

David White, your host, is a reformed fast-food addict and overweight child who understands the challenges, anxiety and depression that come hand-in-hand with looking different from everyone else, and it can be all-consuming–feeling unable to fully participate in life for fear of being singled out or ridiculed. The Child Obesity Project covers important methods and steps for parents to help their children overcome this.

The Child Obesity Project is online and free

from October 12-19, 2015!

Nurse Reveals the Top Five Regrets People Make on their Deathbed

For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last weeks of their lives. People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the five most common.

Happy Armpits: Make Your Own Coconut-Oil Deodorant (Recipe Included!)

I’ve always been picky about deodorants. Not because they didn’t do their “job”, but there was always something I wasn’t too happy with. Scent, consistency, drying factor… then I read the ingredients printed on the packaging. Aluminium jumped right at me. Let me just explain what this most abundant metal in Earth’s crust does, how it ended up on our armpits, and how you can ditch commercial deodorants for good.

By Guest Writer Ana Jadanec
Tired of Being a Negativity Sponge? 12 Ways to Prevent Energy Infiltration and Reclaim Your Energy

Do you ever find yourself taking on the negative energy of others? If so, you are not alone. Some of us cannot even go into supermarkets without taking on the woes of everyone in the store! So why is it so easy for others to affect us in negative ways? What if you could reclaim your energy and not be negatively affected by anyone’s lower vibe? What could this do for the quality of your life and your relationships? In order to shield ourselves from negative energy, we must first understand how our energy is infiltrated by others. 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
21 Home Remedies for a Toothache Emergency

Most of us have made some provision for first aid care in the event of a disaster or other emergency. But how many of us have prepared for a dental emergency? When a dental emergency occurs, it is time to turn to some tried and and true home remedies that will mean the difference between suffering in pain or simply dealing with a mild annoyance. 

By Contributing Writer Gaye Levy
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