Subject: Latest Headlines inc. The Easy Way to Sweep Away Negative Energy

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Understanding Negative Emotions

Discover how negative emotions such as fear and anger, although understandable in today's corrupt world, are suppressing your higher consciousness - and learn a simple but effective daily sighing practice to help relieve these emotions. 

By guest writer Kashi.
7 Anti-Aging Secrets From Ancient India

Do you want to stay healthy, fit, clear, and happily energized throughout life? 

Guest writer Nick Polizzi shares a few of his favorite Ayurvedic techniques for lifelong vitality.
The Easy Way to Sweep Away Negative Energy

When negative energy accumulates, it can have all kinds of detrimental effects in our lives. Guest writer Katie Lyn Easter shares an easy, fun ritual you can use to effectively clear negative energy from you home - and keep it extra clean too, into the bargain!
What Can Olive Leaf Extract Do for You?

Known by the ancient Greeks as liquid gold, olive oil has a host of health benefits. New evidence suggests that olive leaf extract is also highly beneficial for heart health, cardiovascular function and the immune system. 

By contributing writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
No matter your circumstances, you can find a path away from suffering, even in these times of chaos, distress and upheaval.

There is emotional and spiritual freedom beyond this global pandemic, economic uncertainty, and continued racial injustice.

Join us for a remarkable FREE online event, where you can learn how Tibetan Buddhist practices can elevate our consciousness, even now. Our guide and teacher will be H.H. the 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa – a teacher of Tibetan Buddhism over the last 12 lifetimes, who will be sharing wise and loving reflections in this event:

Find Your Own State of Inner Harmony: Buddhist Practices to Weather Life’s Storms With Wisdom, Grace, and a Light Heart

Spiritual practices provide a refuge from life’s storms and a way to connect with a higher part of ourselves that transcends our conditions, bolstering our spirits in the face of daunting worldly challenges.

Register here for this FREE 60-minute event, led by His Holiness, where you will:
  • Receive a meditation practice that shifts you from feeling overwhelmed by the world’s problems to discovering the clear sky of compassionate awareness
  • Appreciate how to hold your own suffering more lightly so that you are less identified with it
  • Receive deep insights into the nature of denser emotions like fear, anger, and greed, while lifting your awareness to a place beyond them
  • Understand how the world operates as “one body” – how harm in one area of the world ripples out everywhere and how we can choose to send positive ripples instead
  • Open to a deeper understanding of how your imagination can serve to activate your higher consciousness
  • Recognize why laughter and humor hold important keys to uplifting your consciousness
  • Discover that by centering your awareness on your higher nature, you can fortify yourself to weather outer storms and emanate peace, love, and joy.
As one of the most respected Tibetan Rinpoches (meaning Precious One in Tibetan), His Holiness believes that this shift in consciousness – to what he calls ‘supreme consciousness’ is not just for our own benefit – it offers an uplifting path of hope and possibility, benefiting the world around us too.

Claim your free place here and discover how to occupy the peaceful calm that comes from a higher consciousness, so that you can be a source of light and joy in the world. Don’t worry if you cannot attend the event live, as you will receive a downloadable recording to keep.

If you’ve wanted to shine a light in today’s darkness, but found yourself too stressed or anxious to do so, this event will change your life for the better – and you in turn can change the lives of others. This is what you have been waiting for – don’t miss out.

Articles From The Archive
10 Signs You are Experiencing a Recalibration of Your Mind-Body-Soul System

As we transition from a third dimensional reality to a hyperdimensional existence we are experiencing a recalibration of our mind-body-soul being. A process that has accelerated in 2016. Here are 10 signs you are experiencing a recalibration of your mind body and soul. 

By Guest Writer Morag O’Brien
The Energetics of Food: How the Food You Eat Affects Your Mental and Emotional Health

In the West, we consider the health benefits of foods in terms of their nutritional value. But in other parts of the world, the health benefits of food are categorized by their energetic effects on the body and mind – a simple but important distinction. 

By guest writer Justin Faerman
6 Things Your Soul Wants You to Know

We all wander through life searching for a higher purpose. We live with the same questions. Who are we? Why are we here? What are we meant to be doing? Am I living my best life? My experiences with over 400 deaths as a frontline social worker in a busy ER gave me the greatest insights and new understandings about death, dying and how the soul wishes to express itself in life. This is what your soul wants you know. 

By Guest Writer Katrina Cavanough.
The Grand Story of the Deep State, the Current Apocalypse and the Battle of Good vs Evil

These days, all roads down the rabbit hole seem to lead back to the deep state - but what exactly is going on here? 

Contributing writer Nanice Ellis shares her views.
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