Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Stages of Conscious Awakening

The Latest Wake Up World Headlines
Crisis in Science: Scientists’ Responsibility for the Survival of the Human Species

In January 2000, I resigned from a highly paid position working on the long-term maintenance of nuclear weapons. My act was an act of love for all humanity. Because, although scientists are at the heart of the arms race, trusting in bombs is not the will of the people. Preparing for peace in order to have peace is the true will of humankind. We have paid the price for war for too many years. Let us become willing to pay the price for peace. 

By Contributing Writer Andreas Toupadakis Ph.D

While most are familiar with the IMF and its predatory lending practices), the World Bank is less scrutinized and less understood. What is it, what does it do, and why is it important for the BRICS to challenge its hegemony? For the answer, we’ll need to examine the World Bank’s history, both the official history that it touts to the outside world and the real history of its part in plundering the developing world that it is supposedly there to help. 

By Guest Writer James Corbett
Stages of Conscious Awakening

It is imperative that we awaken from mundane awareness into full spiritual remembrance of who we are. The common understanding of what it means to be “awake” disguises the truth, which is that despite walking around with eyes open, people tend to nonetheless be hypnotized, dimly conscious, sleepwalking, daydreaming, or in a state of trance. The conscious core of the individual is absent or passive, blowing like a leaf in the winds of environmental stimuli. 

By Guest Writer Montalk
Choosing a Partner – How to Avoid Relationship Suicide

It might seem too methodical, unromantic and magic-dispelling to interview a potential partner about who they are and the values they hold dear, but I’ve had enough disappointments and heartbreaks that I am ready to sacrifice a little magic for a reality-check. It isn’t so romantic or magical when relationships turn south due to myriad ways we can be incompatible, so to avoid relationship suicide, we have to know what our deal-breakers are. 

By Contributing Writer Jack Adam Weber
Paris Terror and ISIS Fakery Admitted

Sibel Edmonds, founder of National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), has revealed a consistent pattern of interlocking and interconnected intelligence agencies at the level of “terror events”. Recently, we have also seen yet another ISIS “beheading” video that purports to kill two Japanese individuals, however, as expected, these videos also demonstrate signs of alteration and staging, raising questions about their authenticity. Even the Japanese government is speaking out about the apparent staging. 

By Guest Writer Jay Dyer
1001 Benefits of Transcending

For the past five years, myself and a couple of colleagues have been going into major US state prisons and teaching inmates how to transcend into the realm of Pure Consciousness. Simultaneously, we help conduct scientific research on the effects of regular transcendence on the criminal mind. According to our offender rehabilitation research, just 16 weeks of transcending is enough to begin a major reordering of the criminal brain to a style of functioning that dramatically supports pro-social thinking and behavior. 

By Guest Writer Blaze Compton
Spiritual Awakening in the “Real World”

Spontaneous spiritual awakening is not the norm. I’m not saying that it never happens, but it is infrequent and unpredictable. If you wait for that magic moment, you may wait forever. But what if you had the power to quicken your own awakening? What if there was one thing that you could easily practice that would exponentially hasten your path to awakening? 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
Are You Addicted To Busyness?

How many times have you heard variations on this conversation? 
Person A: How’s it going? 
Person B: I’m insanely busy. You know, the usual. 
Person A: Yeah, me too. I've scheduled 2015 already. 
Person B: I get it. Haven’t taken a real vacation in over a year. 
Person A: Well, gotta count our blessings for being busy, right? 
Person B: Amen. 

It seems to me that we wear busyness like a badge of honor. I’m busy, therefore I’m important and valuable, therefore I’m worthy. And if I’m not busy, forget it. I don’t matter. While we shame people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, somehow, as a culture, we’ve normalized- even praised- busyness addiction. But are we really doing ourselves any favors by staying so busy? 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin
Chemtrails and the Nuclear Connection

Mounting evidence shows that chemtrail and nuclear experiments are pumping into our atmosphere everything from biological material to nano sized metallic particulate, the latter of which becomes ionized by sunlight, altering it into an electrically charged gas that responds strongly to electromagnetic fields produced by Wifi, HAARP and cell-tower technologies. So the question must be asked: are these programs related? And how? 

By Contributing Writers Ethan Indigo Smith & WuW Co-Founder Andy Whiteley
Happy Armpits: Make Your Own Coconut-Oil Deodorant (Recipe Included!)

I’ve always been picky about deodorants. Not because they didn’t do their “job”, but there was always something I wasn’t too happy with. Scent, consistency, drying factor… then I read the ingredients printed on the packaging. Aluminium jumped right at me. Let me just explain what this most abundant metal in Earth’s crust does, how it ended up on our armpits, and how you can ditch commercial deodorants for good. 

By Guest Writer Ana Jadanec

For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last weeks of their lives. People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the five most common.

By Bronnie Ware
tsū – The Social Network That Pays You

Sebastian Sobcza, founder of new social media network tsū, has created a social platform that actually pays you to use it. And this is your invitation to join us.
Save Your Spot For This FREE Health Event!
Are you one of 70 million people suffering from digestive diseases in the United States alone? You might be… and not even know your gut is the cause! 

 Discover how your digestive health is intimately linked to your immune, endocrine, circulatory and central nervous systems at The Healthy Gut Summit, free and online from February 9-16, 2015. 

 This event features one-on-one interviews with 32 of the world’s most beloved and respected thought leaders and physicians.
Would you like to promote this event yourself ? Click here for more details
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