Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Sprouting 101: Benefits and Tips

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Sprouting 101: Benefits and Tips

Sprouts of all kinds are incredibly nutritious and tasty. Here is all you need to know about these nutrient-packed morsels and how you can grow them yourself. 

By guest writer Ty Bollinger.
Nuclear Experimentation Year 78: Nuclear Terrorism

Contibuting writer Ethan Indigo Smith examines the state of nuclear experimentation, against the backdrop of disturbing events in Ukraine, 78 years after the first atom bomb was tested.
Please consider an end of month donation to Wake Up World by purchasing one of our latest Tarot / Oracle decks on Conscious Shopping.
  • Ignite your creative spark with the Muse Tarot Card Deck. Explore vibrant symbolism, poetry, and inspiration. Connect with your inner muse and embark on a magical journey of creativity and self-discovery.
  • Step into the magical realm of the Linestrider Tarot Card Deck. Explore dualities, find solutions, and connect with nature's wisdom. Embrace the spiritual and physical worlds in this captivating deck.
  • Discover the captivating Cosma Visions Oracle Deck, a soulful journey through past lives and dreamworlds. Beautiful and symbolic cards for a fresh tarot experience. Perfect for all readers, loved for its unique features.
Not sure about the what the differences are between Tarot and Oracle cards? Check out this article.

Apply the exclusive discount code "Fifteen%Off" to enjoy a 15% off any product showing in our New Products page. As always, enjoy free shipping, a 30-day money-back guarantee, and the knowledge that we will plant one tree for every product sold.

Meet Your New Gene-Edited Salad

Mustard greens that have been genetically altered to remove their pungent flavor are coming to US grocery stores. Despite the unknown health effects of consuming this gene-edited food, they won't be labeled as such. 

By guest writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
Breathe Easy: Discover the Top 10 Low Maintenance Houseplants That Purify the Air!

Discover the secrets to harmoniously blending nature with modern living through these top low maintenance houseplants for air purification. 

By staff writer Amelia Harris.
Imagine every moment of your life filled with profound peace, boundless joy, and a deep connection to your true essence.

A life where your egoic mind is no longer obsessed with the past or the future, freeing you to embrace each day with an open heart, fully aligned with your innermost truth.

This radiant existence is not only possible, it’s within your reach, waiting for you to uncover the infinite potential that lies within.

The journey to such an extraordinary life begins with a single step — a release of who you are not, so you can experience who you truly are.

Living in divine freedom requires letting go of old beliefs, patterns, and limitations that have kept you from experiencing the fullness of your true nature.

By releasing these barriers, you open yourself to the transformative power of love, forgiveness, and awakened presence, allowing your divine essence to shine through in all its radiance.

At this special free online event, Brandon Bays, an expert in mind-body healing, will guide you through a profound process of self-inquiry to help you let go of layers of illusion, so you can experience the depths of your true being.

Register here for Experience a Taste of Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence Through a Gentle Relaxation of the Egoic Mind

In this transformative event, you’ll:
  • Discover how to open into the infinite awareness of your true essence, so you can let go of “struggle consciousness” and naturally rest in effortless being
  • Learn to embrace, accept, and welcome all emotions as gateways to your soul — discovering that the freedom you’ve been seeking already exists within
  • Strip away past notions of who you thought you were and the roles that previously defined you, opening you to the truth of your being
This is an opportunity to release limiting beliefs while opening yourself to the Infinite Intelligence that underlies all of existence — allowing grace to guide you moment by moment as you fall ever deeper into the boundless presence of your own soul.

You can RSVP for free right here!

You’ll taste a new way of being filled with overflowing peace, boundless love, and divine freedom as you release the fears, insecurities, and emotional chaos that have held you back through a deeply spiritual self-inquiry process — so you can fully embrace your luminous awakened presence.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Articles From The Archive
The Hidden Truth behind Mormonism and Magic Mushrooms

What lies behind the shared mystical experiences and hallucinogenic visions of the early Mormon church? 

Contributing writer Nanice Ellis looks at the evidence.
Are You Too Controlling? It's Time to Relax

Organization is good. Preparation is good. And planning is also good. And being told by others to relax is probably one of the most annoying things ever. But, how do you know when these traits begin to get a little out of hand? 

Guest writer Niraj Soma Naik delves deeper into this topic by helping you identify if you are too controlling and proposes solutions to the issue.
7 Herbs for Men’s Sexual Health

These potent natural herbs are scientifically proven to support men’s sexual health and libido. 

By guest writer Dr. Edward F. Group.
How to Make Kombucha

A natural healthy fermented beverage full of amazing amino acids, probiotics and essential minerals, Kombucha has been brewed and enjoyed for over 2000 years all over the world, from Russia to China and early Europe. And it's easy to make it at home! 

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