Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Spice Beats Chemo, Radiation, Surgery for Brain Cancer, Studies Suggest

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Avoiding a Cure: How Big Pharma and the D.E.A. Collude to Control Your Health

It is the primary obligation of any government agency to see into fruition the majority will of the American people. Honestly ask yourself, is that what you think is happening? 

By guest writer Ryan Cristián 
The Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Virgo – Inner Reflection, Boundless Expansion

Although we can see new horizons ahead of us, we still have emotional residues and psychic patterns to clear – and this month’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Virgo is here to clean up house. 

By contributing writers Simon Vorster and Jennifer Langstone 
Spice Beats Chemo, Radiation and Surgery for Brain Cancer, Studies Suggest

Modern medical science is finally catching up to the wisdom of our distant ancestors and validating the therapeutic value of spices to prevent and treat disease, including conditions as serious as brain cancer. 

By Sayer Ji You can follow Sayer Ji
More Than 65 Percent of U.S. Has Unsafe Levels of Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water

According to a new Harvard-led study, levels of industrial chemicals linked with a range of diseases exceed federal safety limits in the public drinking-water supplies for 33 states in the U.S. 

By Marco Torres 
Overwhelm and the Layers of Discernment: The 'Quagmire of Secondary Considerations'

The place of endless debate on issues like politics and monetary policy occurs within a realm I have dubbed the Quagmire of Secondary Considerations – the place where nothing is ever satisfactorily resolved and nobody ever learns anything of value. 

By guest writer Niels Kunze 
“Overcast” Documentary Exposes What’s Really Behind Airplane Contrails

As the debate continues to rage about whether or not chemtrails/geoengineering are in fact occurring, the impact of contrails (from aircraft exhaust) on the environment and weather is often overlooked. Until now… 

By contributing writer Carolanne Wright 
Free Health Summit
Are you confused about supplements?

At The Medicinal Supplements Summit, learn the latest in supplement customization to boost energy, lose weight, beat stress, improve brain function and heal your body!


Your hosts, Wendy Myers and Ian Clark, of The Medicinal Supplements Summit understand the importance of taking the right supplements–after all, they both healed their own health crises through targeted supplements, whole body health and the power of micronutrients!

Register for FREE now or own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

The Medicinal Supplements Summit is dedicated to helping you:

- Determine what supplements you need
- Separate the “claims” from the truth
- Customize supplements to your body’s needs
- Make proper decisions at the store or online

And more!

The Medicinal Supplements Summit is online and free

from September 12-19, 2016!
Using a Non-Stick Pan? You May Want to Read This

Pans with a non-stick coating are convenient but new research suggests that the chemical used for the coating is extremely toxic and exposure on any level could prove dangerous to brain health, the reproductive system, and immune system. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward Group
Are Those Negative Thoughts Actually Yours?

When our own thoughts don't resonate even for us, we have to wonder. Why are we having these thoughts? Where are they actually coming from? Are we actually listening to a stream of consciousness that is not our own? 

By Guest Writer Lia Love
Are You “Spiritual But Not Religious?”

When I talk to people about spirituality, they commonly respond with “Oh but I’m not religious”, to which I respond “Yeah, me neither”. Then they look puzzled. While there’s a lot of overlap in the teachings of all religions that probably points to some spiritual truth, I find myself resisting any dogma that says that one way is “The Way” and everything else is hogwash. 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning and the Bastardization of Music

Research suggests that A=440Hz frequency music conflicts with human energy centers, from the heart to the base of the spine (ie. the lower four chakras) while the chakras above the heart are stimulated. Theoretically, the vibration stimulates ego and left-brain function, suppressing the “heart-mind,” intuition and creative inspiration. So how did we come to have the energetically disruptive A=440 Hz as the musical standard? 

By Guest Writer Brendan D. Murphy 
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