Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Natural Antibiotics Versus Pharmaceuticals - Which Is Best?

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
13 Signs You’re a Judgmental Person (and How to End the Habit)

One of the biggest obstacles on our path to wholeness is judgmentalism. But since none of us like facing our shadows, how can we best work through this? 

By guest writer Aletheia Luna.
The Health Benefits of Pine Oil

The connection between pine oil and good health has been known for centuries. Indeed, pine was greatly revered by the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates. 

Find out why with guest writer Dr Edward F Group.
Master Mingtong Gu, a Qigong Master, the CEO for The Chi Center, and the founder of The Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong, near Santa Fe, New Mexico, has written a fantastic book to help all of us use Qigong for infinite energy, wellbeing, immunity and happiness.

The Uplifting Effect of Endorphins: 8 Ways to Generate Them

As the Shift accelerates, there is no doubt that we are facing challenging times ahead. So how can we stay happy during this period? One answer is the Endorphin Effect - chemicals we produce in our bodies to block negative energy and make us feel positively uplifted and joyful inside. 

Find out how to best activate endorphins with guest writer Open.
Natural Antibiotics vs Pharmaceuticals: Which is Best?

We are increasingly over-medicated - and as we all know, antibiotic resistance is a danger in itself. But did you know that there are dozens of natural antibiotics that have been shown to be just as effective as pharmaceuticals? 

By guest writer Ty Bollinger.
Our world has changed dramatically over the last few years.

We are surrounded by invisible frequencies that power the features in our cellphones, microwaves, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth devices, offering us unprecedented access and convenience. Society celebrates this progress…

But at what cost?

There is strong evidence that too many of us are paying with our health for the convenience that new technology like 5G and connected devices offer us.

If you’re concerned about EMFs and the health implications for you and your loved ones, you won’t want to miss this free online event:

Documented symptoms from EMF radiation include brain fog, migraines, compromised immune systems, fertility issues, and even cancer.

Now with 5G and other more advanced technologies, EMF frequencies are getting stronger and more pervasive throughout the world.

But at this online event, Doctor Melanie Smith will be showing how you can take advantage of the modern world AND stay safe – by keeping your biofield protected from this relentless electromagnetic onslaught.

Dr Melanie will empower you by sharing practical and effective energy exercises that can defend you against EMFs by developing your powerful energetic resiliency.

In this timely and insightful hour, you’ll:
  • Learn 3 things you can do today to reduce EMF exposure in your home
  • Learn how to do Dr. Melanie’s Deep State Regulator energy exercise, which can shield you from EMFs by working with your pineal gland and vagus nerve
  • Explore EMF research that quantifies the impact of EMFs, including 5G… and differentiating what is fact from fiction
  • Discover common signs and symptoms that indicate EMFs are affecting your biofield
  • Understand the importance of building energetic resiliency and how to incorporate this powerful practice into your daily life through an Auric Field energy exercise
While this proliferation of EMFs can negatively impact our biofield, the key to living in harmony with our constantly evolving technology is our ability to adapt as the world around us rapidly changes.

Dr. Melanie will share what EMFs actually are and offer critical information that can help you move from fear and anxiety to empowerment and freedom by implementing effective and proven energetic self-care methods to protect your emotional and physical health.

When you sign up, you’ll get instant access to this presentation on the latest research into EMFs and our health.

You’ll also learn practical and effective energy medicine methods to protect yourself and your family from these powerful frequencies.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Nobody wants to shun the convenience of modern technology.

And you don’t have to.

But you do need to keep yourself safe – and this free event will show you how.

Articles From The Archive
If you Believe It, You Can Achieve It

Visualize your way to a better, brighter future - by guest writer Dr Michelle Kmiec.
Money and Spirituality – 5 Common Abundance Blocks, and How to Transform Them

Money is a form of energy, manifested, filtered and alchemized by our thoughts and beliefs. So, how do we transform our relationship with this form of energy exchange, if we continue to experience lack and scarcity? 

By contributing writer Juliet Tang.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety with Essential Oils

These essential oils can help you reduce and manage stress, naturally. 

By contributing writer Dr. Michelle Kmiec.
10 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar

Did you know that there are natural, non-invasive ways to maintain steady blood sugar? The following tips offer a great place to start. 

By guest writer Dr. Edward F. Group.
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