Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Monsanto, Big Pharma, George Soros, and the Push to Legalize Marijuana

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Full Moon in Capricorn: The Space Between Endings and New Beginnings

With today's Full Moon in Capricorn, we can begin to sense instinctively that a new direction has emerged - and with it comes a renewed sense of identity.

Is Your Highly Conscious Life Going Nowhere?

Does this sound like you? ... You’re stuck. Something in your life isn’t working or isn’t happening, and hasn’t for a while. And it’s a big one. Deep down you know you must keep at it. You keep moving inward to understand why, yet you can’t resolve things for some reason. Don’t worry – It’s not you, it’s your process… 

By guest writer Stacy Vajta 
Monsanto, Big Pharma, George Soros, and the Push to Legalize Marijuana

Did you realize that the driving force behind the movements to legalize both medical and recreational marijuana is none other than billionaire George Soros, a major stockholder in biotech giant Monsanto who has strong ties to Big Pharma? 

By contributing writer Carolanne Wright 
What I Learned From Having a Chronic Illness

When faced with the trial of chronic illness, do we have choices in terms of our perspective and experience? Are there gifts that lie beneath the surface? 

 By contributing writer Christina Lavers 
Mind Virus Wetiko: The Collective Shadow of Humanity

Is evil actually a real force outside of ourselves, or is it rather the collective unconsciousness of humanity? Are we infected with an actual mind virus installation, or are we facing the collective shadow? It’s a big question, and the answer is not necessarily one or the other… 

By contributing writer Makia Freeman 
Zero Gravity: Don’t be Afraid to Let Go!

Are you ready to step away from attachment, whatever it may be? – a person, a place, a paradigm, a new vision of you, an old vision of you, how you think things should be, or were, or even better, how someone else thinks things should be? 

By guest writer Mary Batson
Free Health Summit
The most misunderstood, cruelest and costly of all diseases…

Are you concerned about brain health? Or, of one day not recognizing your closest friend? If so, or if you care about friends and family members dealing with poor brain function, don’t miss The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit. Brain disorders, including memory loss, are fast becoming the single biggest health problem in the world.


This event represents a unique opportunity to discover how to prevent, slow down and even reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Join us to find out what you can, and should, do before memory loss is irreversible–because taking action now is the key to protecting your brain health and overall wellbeing!

Register for FREE now

Did you know?

Every 3 seconds someone gets diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia

Dementia starts in the brain 30 to 50 years before symptoms appear

Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death

The average burden on families dealing with late-stage dementia is $300,000
46+ million people are losing their minds (this will double every 20 years)

The “silent epidemic” of early-onset dementia is on the rise

The 2016 Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit is online and free 
from July 25 – August 1, 2016!
Plants Are Smarter Than You Think

Plants are not simple bystanders in the environment, soaking up sun and otherwise engaging in a passive existence. They’re actually active communicators and engage in a complex relationship with their environment. 

Autistic Boy With Higher IQ Than Einstein Discovers His Gift After Removal From State-Run Therapy

In yet another example of how an out-of-control Goliath state system can cause more harm than good, a teenage boy who was diagnosed with autism at a young age has risen to stellar heights after quitting the special ed system with the help of his concerned mother. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
10 Signs Fear Is Running Your Life (and How to Get Back on Track)

Most people in our culture are riddled with fear, and it’s running the show in our lives, taking the wheel in most of our decision-making. 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
Scientists Discover Instinctual “Reptilian” Region of the Brain Directly Linked to Compassion, Happiness

A study published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience has demonstrated that the amygdala’s role goes far beyond simply keeping us safe from what we perceive as threats… 

By contributing writer Carolanne Wright 
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