Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Ibuprofen Can Stop Your Heart – 31% Increase in Cardiac Arrest Risk

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Mastering the Art of Containment (But Not Suppression)

There are many spiritual teachings that speak of spreading love and peace. But what if you don't feel like spreading love and peace? What if at times you feel plain angry? Is it then right to override these feelings, as many do? 

By contributing writer Open  
Study: Most People Are Now Flame Retardant

A comprehensive new study reveals that, not only are cancer-causing flame-retardant chemicals showing up in people’s urine tests, but levels have been steadily rising since 2002. Here’s what you need to know… 

By contributing writer Dr Joseph Mercola 
Healing Our Collective Sickness

In these uncertain, crazy and polarizing times we live in, one thing I think everyone can agree on is this: if viewed as a single macro-organism, humanity has fallen ill. But what is the nature of this sickness? 

By guest writer Paul Levy 
Ibuprofen Can Stop Your Heart – 31% Increase in Cardiac Arrest Risk

A new study reveals that a commonly consumed painkiller, wrongly considered "harmless" by millions, is probably causing thousands of deaths from cardiac arrest each year… 

By contributing writer Sayer Ji
The False Majority: The Lie We Tell Ourselves About America

We have been told we are “conspiracy theorists” for so long that we now wear it as a badge of honor, yet we are only now beginning to understand that we have been the majority for longer than we realize… and it took a botched election to allow many of us to see it. 

By guest writer Ryan Cristián 
How to Communicate With Our Pets and Honour Their Soul Purpose

By tuning into their energy and learning to communicate directly with our pets, we can take our relationships to a higher level of understanding and communion... 

By guest writer Jessie Klassen 
Sugar is not just candy and pastries, the soda and loaded coffee drinks you order each day; it’s also found in many other foods–foods, in fact, processed by their manufacturers to force your body into addiction.

Register for The Sweet Freedom Summit

Refined sugar is made similarly to heroin and cocaine, but triggers the brain’s receptors 8 times MORE than cocaine.

It’s a serious issue, because refined sugar is found in +80% of grocery store foods. No wonder we find it impossible to stop eating it, even though we know it’s killing us!


Two decades ago, your host, Sherry Strong, was completely addicted to sugar. She was obese, sick and depressed to the point of wanting to die. All of that changed when she removed sugar from her diet.

If you are struggling to give up sugar or even if you simply indulge periodically–whether a health professional, busy mom or career-driven person–this event can help you, finally, improve your health and your life.

[HELP OUR MISSION!] Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace (plus, your purchase helps to create more of these valuable health talks!):

The Sweet Freedom Summit will teach you about:
  • How “non-food addiction” can lead to a serious and painful death
  • Impacts of poorly processed foods on your emotional state
  • Educating your family to be supportive and healthy
  • Why diets rarely work long term (and the strategy that does!)
  • Creating nourishment in your heart, mind and spirit!
  • And, so much more…
How to Make Kombucha

A natural healthy fermented beverage full of amazing amino acids, probiotics and essential minerals, Kombucha has been brewed and enjoyed for over 2000 years all over the world, from Russia to China and early Europe. And it's easy to make it at home! 

The Science of Ayahuasca

Native to the Amazonian jungles, the Ayahuasca plant has been used by the indigenous tribes for generations for its physical, spiritual and emotional health benefits. Now, modern science is beginning to prove its efficacy… 

By guest writer Nick Polizzi
How One Simple Breathing Technique Can Induce Better Health

Believe it or not, there are different ways to breathe which have different effects on the body and our health. In this article I will explain how our breathing effects the human body. I will then off you a simple breathing technique you can practice yourself. 

By Guest Writer Lorraine Ereira 
How Popular Music’s Lyrics Perpetuate American Idiocy

A recent study confirmed the patently obvious: song lyrics for the most popular genres of music read between a third and fourth grade level, and the inanity has only increased with time. So how did this happen, and why is it getting worse over time? 

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