Subject: Latest Headlines inc. How to Increase Dopamine, the Motivation Molecule

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The Latest Headlines
Waking Up Is So Hard To Do… Alone

Waking up profoundly changes everything you see, feel and think. When you know the Truth, you cannot un-know it, and you cannot go back to the person you once were. That “you” no longer exists – that life is no longer available. It can be extremely pain-staking with little or no support, while the world dis-owns you. No matter where you live in the world, you are not alone on your journey. There are others feeling exactly as you and maybe they are too afraid to reveal their inner plight – just like you. I am writing this article now to provide some light at the end of a very dark tunnel. 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
How to Increase Dopamine, the Motivation Molecule

Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter for motivation, focus and productivity. Learn the symptoms of dopamine deficiency and natural ways to increase dopamine levels … 

By Contributing Writer Deane Alban
Dirt is NOT Dirty – How Playing in the Dirt Benefits the Immune System

During the early years of life there are some crucial biological developments that happen which cannot be recreated later on in life -- and building a strong immune system is one of them. Just like any other muscle in our body, the immune system needs to be exercised in order to fully develop and become strong enough to resist illness and disease. Playing in the dirt as a child turns out to be the ideal training to build your immune system’s overall fitness. 

By Guest Writer Alexandra Du Toit
The Inevitable Awakening

The waking up process is a very personal experience. Once we become aware of the existence of a fabricated world we thought to be real and that our true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back. It may appear to be a lonely path, but we are by no means alone in this awakening. It is happening in all walks of life. Whether a banker or corporate employee wakes up to the scam being perpetrated on humanity and pulls out of the matrix, or a normal taxpaying worker realizes they’re contributing to a military industrial machine hell bent on war, control and world domination, we’re all the same. 

By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
De-Conditioning the Conditioned Mind

The society and culture in which you have grown up has programmed fixed patterns of the mind into you. These systematic patterns of thoughts, taught to you by your parents and teachers, are deeply embedded into your mind and subconscious by the psychological mechanisms of identification, and they automatically surface every now and then, whether you like it or not. So how do you de-condition the conditioned mind, when a fixed mental pattern appears? 

By Guest Writer Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D
Healthy Smoothies For Weight Loss with Delicious Recipes

For those of us who feel we could be eating more raw foods, smoothies are a great place to start. A powerful blender breaks down the cell walls of it’s vegetable or fruit contents, making them even easier to digest. For anyone who may be experiencing digestive problems, this is an important fact to consider. Incorporating a nutrient dense combination of foods (5), even once a day, even a few times per week, can change the way you feel and function long term. The smoothie habit is one worth getting into and sticking with if you want to start feeling great. 

By Guest Writer Chantelle Zakariasen
Vibrations and the Law of Octaves

Your body is similar to a musical instrument. Like a musical instrument, the more notes and chords we know and use, the greater our potential to create. Within the body is a full octave of glands and organs that resonate on a certain frequency. When your instrument is tuned to the “correct” frequency - your unique bliss frequency - amazing things happen. This is the state where we are most blissful, most beautiful, most thriving and most divine. 

By Contributing Writer Indra
Grounding Demystified

Grounding is the best named of the psychic tools. It has the same meaning in the psychic world as it does in the world of physics and electricians. It’s all about “flushing” the excess energy away from the device, in this case your own body. They also say “sending it to ground” as a way to describe what is happening. Even in common usage, grounding and being “down to earth” is a perfect way to describe “owning your own energy” and being in your body.... So how do you ground yourself? 

By Guest Writer Matt Raye
Differentiating Between Depression and Drug Abuse

Parenting isn't an easy job, but when adolescence hits it can become a minefield for even the happiest of families. It is also the time when depression is most likely to hit. Though drug use is often more of a concern for parents than depression, the issue of mental illness among young people is escalating at alarming rate. So how can you determine whether your child is experiencing depressive symptoms, or whether the warning signs could be down to substance use or abuse? 

By Guest Writer Ella Jameson
Transcending Human Madness

To an impartial observer – say, an alien zoologist from another planet – there must be very compelling evidence that human beings suffer from a serious mental disorder, and are perhaps even insane. The last few thousand years have been an endless catalogue of insane behaviour. Recorded history is an endless catalogue of wars, and the story of the brutal oppression of the great mass of human beings by a tiny privileged minority. The terrible oppression of women which runs through history – and which still exists in many parts of the world – is another sign of this insanity, as is the hostile, repressive attitude to sex and the body which most cultures have shared. What has created this? 

By Guest Writer Steve Taylor Ph.D
The Diabetes World Summit
387 million people in the world have diabetes, and nearly half of them don’t know it. In the United States alone, type 2 diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death. The statistics are alarming, especially for a disease we’ve proven can be prevented and reversed!

Have you been diagnosed with diabetes, told you’re pre-diabetic, have a family history of diabetes or want to prevent the disease? 

The Diabetes World Summit is FREE online from March 23 – March 30, 2015.

With 40 expert presentations revealing the intimate secrets for losing weight, getting fit, eating right, overcoming stress, managing and reversing diabetes, you don’t want to miss this event… it could save your life or the life of someone you know.

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

Free Gift #1: Best Of The 2014 Summit Recipe Book (PDF Download) from The 2014 Diabetes World Summit, a collection of amazing, low carb, diabetes-friendly recipes from our 2014 Diabetes World Summit speakers.

Free Gift #2: Do Calories Matter? (Audio-only presentation) with Cassie Bjork, RD

Free Gift #3: Reversing Type 2 Diabetes with an Optimal Diet and Lifestyle (Audio-only presentation) with Dr. Josh Axe

The Diabetes World Summit (ONLINE and FREE) from March 23-30, 2015!

Register for FREE at the today

Would you like to make some money and help promote this event? Click here for more details
BURN: Health Impacts of Sunscreen Found to be Worse Than UV Damage!

Mounting independent scientific data shows that sunscreens inhibit the innate intelligence of our skin cells, neutralizing beneficial UVB rays and increasing the harmful effects of UVA. It is no wonder skin cancer rates are sky-rocketing! Thankfully nature has provided some simple and natural ways to protect our skin from UV without the risks of conventional sunscreens. 

By Guest Writer Marie Be
Raising Your Vibration – How To Crack Open Your Pineal Gland

Known by ancient cultures and mystics as “the third eye”, the pineal gland sits in the center of our brain between our right and left hemispheres. But the pineal gland wasn’t bestowed the name “third eye” for just any random reason - it actually contains photoreceptors just like our own two seeing eyes, and is activated by light transmitted through our eyes. 

By Guest Writer Joshua Eagle
5 Spiritual Lessons You Can Learn From Your Dog

Did you ever realize that God spelled backwards is Dog? A dog, and most other pets as well, retain that godliness that many human beings are born with but often lose over time. Dogs are natural spiritual teachers. My neighbor's dog, Sammy, has been a great inspiration for me. There are many spiritual lessons to be learned from animals. Here are just 5 of them. 

By Guest Writer Tim van der Vliet
7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally

Heart disease is not a natural process that we must accept as inevitable based on family history - an outdated gene-based model of human disease risk. Our daily decisions, especially about what we eat or do not eat, are first and foremost. We can use food as medicine -- and here is the peer-reviewed, published research proving that fact. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
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