Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Harvest Full Moon Astrology: What to Expect on 29th September

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
The Crucial Difference Between Reincarnation and Soul-Harvesting

Reincarnation is a wonderful opportunity for our souls to learn, evolve and grow, to integrate through karmic challenges. But soul harvesting by the intervention here is a very different process. And it's crucial to understand the difference. 

By contributing writer Open.
Research Unveils Link Between Chemical Exposure and Hormone-Related Cancers

New research findings deliver compelling insights into the impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals - such as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and phenols, including the infamous bisphenol A (BPA) - on our health. 

By Staff Writer John Patterson.
Unlock the secrets of Ayurvedic wisdom and modern science for empowered aging and vibrant health. Discover how to alleviate stress and promote longevity through practical insights. RSVP to this free online event and explore these principles of conscious longevity.
The Harvest Full Moon Astrology: What to Expect on 29th September

What is the significance of the Harvest Moon in fiery Aries this year - and how can you honor its astrological power through rituals and meaningful action? 

By Staff Writer Amelia Harris.
Unveiling the Quantum Connection: Where Science and Spirituality Meet

As we delve further into the intricate and enigmatic landscapes of quantum physics, a profound realization begins to emerge - the supposed chasm between science and spirituality is not as unbridgeable as it was once perceived. 

By Staff Writer Nikki Harper.
Sound is so much more than what we hear.

Yet only recently have we begun to truly understand its profound impact on every aspect of our lives.

Understanding the secrets of sound gives us keys to unlock our health and higher awareness. It’s the new frontier in energy medicine and personal transformation — one that harnesses vibrational frequencies, specific sound patterns, and music to initiate profound healing at the cellular level.

This is an invitation to open your ears, your eyes, and your mind to the incredible science of sound — including new research that speaks volumes to the relationship between sound and gravity.

Join us for an eye-opening free online event:

At this event, acclaimed acoustics pioneer John Stuart Reid will give you a tantalizing taste of what’s possible: How sound can be directed and harnessed for non-invasive pain relief… how certain musical frequencies can regenerate your tissues by oxygenating your cells… and how you can create optimal healing frequencies yourself just by listening to special music selections that contain specific healing frequencies.

Register here free of charge to save your seat!

In this free highly intriguing hour-long event, you’ll:
  • Learn how sound played a key role in the creation of the early universe and still influences the world today — and appreciate sound as a universal creative force that can be harnessed for healing
  • Hear a live music performance from Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu — an excerpt from their acclaimed Dream of the Blue Whale — with a spectrum analysis of their beautiful music from John Stuart Reid
  • Experience a live cymatics experiment, demonstrating recent research that indicates sound has anti-gravity effects — even from your voice or musical instruments
  • Understand how specific frequencies can break the pain cycle by increasing oxygen flow — and relieve pain naturally without drugs
  • Understand how music regenerates old cells by oxygenating their membranes — so you can initiate your own cellular fountain of youth
  • Be introduced to “Acoustic Heterodyning” to create calming ELFs — stimulating your vagus nerve, thereby slowing aging and resolving inflammation and pain
Join us to be immersed in the medicine of music that ancients knew — and that scientists like John are rediscovering today.

RSVP here to understand the medicine of music like never before!

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Here’s to the power of sound!

Articles From The Archive
Turmeric Teeth Whitening: Does This Really Work?

Did you know that turmeric can whiten your teeth and freshen your breath, among its many other health benefits? 

By guest writer Dr Edward F Group.
7 Healing Uses for Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil not only smells great, but it has a wide variety of healthful uses too, including promoting good sleep and reducing PMS symptoms. 

Find out more with contributing writer Sayer Ji.
How to Become a Thousand-Petaled Lotus

To flower into that epic lotus, you first must become a mirrored fractal of the Source consciousness, writes staff writer Paul Lenda.
Immune Support Tonic

This all-natural immune support tonic recipe supports and uplifts the immune system, is simple to make — and it’s delicious. 

By guest writer Alex Du Toit.
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