Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Harnessing the Power of the Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Harnessing the Power of the Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th

Scorpio is a water sign, known for its ability to dive deep into the hidden depths of our subconscious minds. This Lunar Eclipse is therefore an invitation to explore our deepest fears, desires, and emotions and to release anything that no longer serves us. 

By staff writer Nikki Harper.
Mobile Phone Industry Fights to Keep You Ignorant

The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified cellphones as a Group 2B “possible carcinogen” based on the evidence available in 2011. Since then, the evidence of harm has grown significantly. 

By guest writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
Join Chloe Goodchild for a joyful free hour-long event to discover and cultivate your authentic voice as a gateway to your sovereignty and inner wisdom. Learn to release fear, self-doubt, and emotional challenges while accessing a new storehouse of energy and resilience. RSVP for free now and tap into your profound inner wisdom and unconditional love.
Sip Sustainably: Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Plastic Straws

According to National Geographic, Americans alone use 500 million straws every day, and around 8.3 billion plastic straws pollute the world's beaches. But there many eco-friendly alternatives. 

By staff writer Amelia Harris.
SpaceX and the Metaverse: A "Rapid, Unscheduled Disassembly!"

The Hopi prophecy stone clearly predicts two pathways for humanity: one that ascends into a higher paradigm of consciousness; and the other, a high tech agenda that suddenly goes off a cliff and into oblivion. What does this tell us about current events? 

By contributing writer Open.
Have you been feeling like you’re ready to make a significant change in your life, yet are lacking clarity about the best way forward?

Would you like to cultivate a practice that catalyses your innate resilience, your soul spark, and divine creatrix magic that knows how to sculpt a thing of beauty, meaning, and possibility from the vast realities of life?

This inner pull to try something new may actually be revealing a new pathway or way of being that is trying to open up for you…and at this online event, you can find out how to let that divine magic flood your soul. Join us for:

Our host for this event, shamanic creatrix Alana Fairchild, will you help you open you to your shamanic intelligence, which recognizes your challenge or life change as a wonderful evolutionary opportunity for transformation.

When standing at the crossroads of challenge and change, the medicine of the sacred shamanic lineages of your heart can be invoked to bring clarity, courage, and new cycles of growth into your being and life — right where you need them.

In this inspirational online event with Alana, you’ll awaken three sacred shamanic heart lineages — the Dark Goddess Kali Ma, Christ Consciousness, and the Earth medicine of Cicada spirit guide — and receive their transformational medicine, gifts, and heart-renewing activations in the way that serves what you need most right now in your life.

Register here free of charge for this profoundly moving online event!

In this captivating online event, you’ll:
  • Begin to fearlessly value your unique spiritual attractions to empower yourself completely, enrich your inner being, and manifest your sacred purpose
  • Recognize signs of the Dark Goddess as shamanic initiation in your life — and understand what this means for you and how you can respond creatively
  • Experience Christ Consciousness in your heart as a spiritual empowerment to evolve authentically from inner spiritual authority rather than societal conditioning
  • Intuit a vision of your profoundly transfigured life, self, and purpose — enhancing your inspiration and courage to engage in your soul’s shamanic creative process
  • Engage in a loving guided journey to bless and empower your path as you experience the protective presence of Kali Ma and the awakening of Christ Consciousness in your heart
If you’d like to gain deeper clarity on the challenges and changes you currently face by awakening the sacred shamanic lineages of your heart, join us.

RSVP here to secure your free place at this online event!

Isn't it time you experienced the heart-renewal of the goddess Kali Ma, Christ Consciousness, the sacred Cicada spirit guide, and your own divine shamanic lineages?

Articles From The Archive
Mindfulness Meditation Can Help Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment, Research Shows

Could mindfulness meditation help in the fight against dementia? A promising new pilot study suggests that older adults with mild cognitive impairment can use mindfulness to slow decline, improve cognition and potentially - perhaps - even to lower to the risk of eventually developing dementia. 

By staff writer Nikki Harper.
Why Everyone Should be Eating More Hempseed

A group of centenarians in a Chinese village seem to have stumbled upon a veritable fountain of youth in the form of a well-known seed. 

 By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
Pancreatic Enzymes: What They Do and Why You Need Them

Do you know what pancreatic enzymes do and why they're important? 

Guest writer Dr Edward F Group has the details, and explains whether you need to take a pancreatic enzyme supplement.
9 Yoga Poses for Pregnancy

Contributing writer Vivek Roy provides instructions for nine yoga poses you can do during pregnancy.
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