Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Gaia's Planetary Stargates are Opening

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Dear Human: It’s Okay to Be Both Sacred AND Wild

We are all only human; we are all both perfect AND imperfect, sacred AND wild, light AND dark. Avoiding the wild elements of your nature is never a good idea.

Discover why your wild side matters just as much as your sacredness, and how to incorporate and honor both sides of your nature. By guest writer Aletheia Luna.
Is Your Landscaping Harming the Planet?

Developing an appealing landscape is a key benefit of owning a home, but by understanding how landscaping impacts the environment, you can combine ethical choices with relaxation and beauty.

If you are ready to adopt alternative green landscaping practices, you may start by calculating your lawn’s environmental impacts and researchng the ecological effects of your herbicides and pesticides, says guest writer Jane Marsh.
Iodine Deficiency Symptoms (and How to Get Enough Iodine)

Find out what the most common symptoms of iodine deficiency are, and how to ensure that you get enough iodine in your diet. 

By guest writer Ty Bollinger.
Gaia's Planetary Stargates Coming Active...How to Respond?

Planetary Stargates are nodes of concentrated energy where veils between the dimensions are thin. Understanding and working with the phenomenon is going to be essential and highly advantageous for all.

Stargates enable you to travel on the astral planes across the cosmos: or else for example readily access the akashic record; they'll help you regress rapidly through ancient karma; restore damaged DNA; activate your Merkabah. 

By contributing writer Open.
If you’re an empath, sensitive person, or intuitive, your gift is sensing the emotions and energy that lie beneath the surface of our lives that most people miss.

However, this gift also means you may be unintentionally absorbing other people’s energy, which can leave you feeling disempowered and overwhelmed by the state of the world. You might even feel as though you’ve lost your connection with your own power, needs, and desires.

Sound familiar? Join us for a free online workshop which could hold the answers you need:

How to Honor Your Empathic Gifts by Shifting Over-Sensitivity Into Powerful Intuition – An Online Workshop

Our host for this event is Wendy De Rosa, celebrated author, speaker and founder of the School of Intuitive Studies. Wendy will share how you can thrive as an empath, sensitive person or intuitive, instead of just surviving.

Feeling stuck as you manage the energy around you diminishes the impact you can make — in your own life and in the lives of others. The world needs your gifts, especially right now, and you should feel free and empowered to share them.

Register here for How to Honor Your Empathic Gifts – Free of Charge

In this 60-minute online event, you’ll discover:
  • The difference between your upper body intuition and lower body intuition
  • Why it’s essential to cultivate a new, refined, and heightened level of self-care as an empath living in these times
  • The powerful role of chakras in your life as an empath — and how keeping your chakras healthy can mean the difference between an out-of-control energetic experience and skillfully working with the energy around you
  • Why nurturing the throat chakra is an important part of empathic health when you’re navigating the collective cognitive dissonance — a dynamic that results in confusing communication, information overload, respiratory illnesses, emotional triggers, and more
  • A guided practice to soothe and clear your throat chakra, purify your auric field, and root your body — so you can maintain stronger boundaries and connect with your deepest truth
Wendy will explain how the blessing of your empathic gifts can feel like a burden if you’re overly empathic. She’ll share how this challenge is reflected in your energetic body — and how it’s directly connected to what’s happening in your chakra system.

RSVP here to claim your free place at this workshop

Join us and learn how to connect more deeply with your empathic power so you can stop taking on other people’s energy, create and maintain your energetic boundaries, and build a strong foundation for the healthy and beneficial use of your intuitive healing gifts.

Isn’t it time you learned to embrace your empathic gifts instead of hiding from them? The world needs you – so we’ll see you there!

Articles From The Archive
Honeysuckle: A Sweet-Scented Remedy that Calms Inflammation, Infection and Contagious Illness

If you have a honeysuckle plant flourishing nearby, a surprising medicinal plant is right at your fingertips. One of the most important herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this fragrant beauty is much more than just an ornamental vine -- the flowers exhibit antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties as well. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright.
Keepin’ It Fresh: Simple Ways to Reduce Food Wastage in Your Home

Effective management is vital to the way our communities use energy and food resources, and how we as individuals run our homes and our appliances. With 1 in 6 Americans struggling with food insecurity, but 40% of the US food supply wasted each year, learning how to keep food fresh is vital to addressing issues of food security, waste and energy consumption. 

By Guest Writer Stefan Ivanović.
Make Your Own ‘Loved Up’ Raw Chocolate Brownies (Vegan & Gluten Free!)

I’ve just enjoyed the most awesome ‘loved-up’ raw, no-bake, chocolate brownies and I am really excited to share the recipe. The thing I love about these raw chocolate brownies is that they offer great nutritional value as well as being vegan, gluten-free and lovingly delicious! 

By Contributing Writer Trinity Bourne.
Vibrate On the Level You Want to Exist On

We are all electrically connected, and all vibrations eventually synchronize. Don't believe me? Just watch this video of out-of-time metronomes falling into one vibration! The same will happen to you, whether that is a negative or positive vibrational energy. Eventually all vibrations must synchronize. Where will harmony start? We hope, with you! 

By Guest Writer Sarah Womer.
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