Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Developing Your Daily Shift Practice

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
What Happens When You Eat A Vegetarian Diet?

The standard American diet is harmful in more ways than one - but if you switch to vegetarianism, you could give your health a huge boost. 

By guest writer Sayer Ji.
How to Break Free When You’re Feeling Trapped in Life

What does it mean when you feel trapped? What could be the reasons for this - and crucially, how can you break free? 

Guest writer Aletheia Luna has some advice.
Q&A with Jeremy Narby, PhD - Author of Plant Teachers

What does it mean when we say plants can be teachers? Is the current enthusiasm for ayahuasca warranted? And why are we only just discovering that tobacco has great healing potential? Discover some fascinating answers in this Q&A with Jeremy Narbin, author of Plant Teachers, interviewed by guest writer Kim Corbin.
Developing Your Daily Shift Practice and the Torus

How can you make sure you're working with the universal torus as you try to create a daily living 5D shift spiritual practice? Guest writer Open has some pointers.
What if you had a roadmap for understanding who you really are and what motivates the behaviors of the people around you?

What if you could leverage the individual revelations of the Enneagram to help heal broken bonds between others?

How would it feel to move from a fixed point of view to an expansive orientation towards your personal, professional, and community life?

The Enneagram contains many levels of wisdom. Understanding its potency in action can help you shift your center of gravity, and our collective consciousness, to address the multiple challenges — and opportunities for growth — of our time.

As you prepare to leave this calendar year behind and meditate upon your intentions for the future, a precious space is opening that could be used to activate your deepest potential. Join us to find out how at this free 5-day global online event:

Using the Enneagram, you can better comprehend your role in achieving greater peace, understanding, and collective cooperation.

In this groundbreaking 5-day online event, you’ll be given concrete tools for creating individual, relational, and social change. This high-level approach to applying the Enneagram will help you become more whole and present with yourself so you can become an agent of change.

You’ll discover how to embody the consciousness of the Enneagram — a complex and beautiful system of nine pathways to self-understanding and self-actualization — to help move collective consciousness away from marginalization and bias. You can do the work of the Enneagram to reassess assumptions about race and age, for example, or gain inspiration from the ways it can be used to heal the soul of large institutions.

You can do more than embody the gifts of your type; you can heed a higher spiritual calling to help others embrace their true gifts alongside you.

RSVP here to grab your free place at this Inspirational Enneagram Global Event

Each session of this 5-day event is a journey — exploring the wounds and growth edges of each Enneagram type, and offering invitations for wholeness and integration as we embrace the qualities of all nine points of the Enneagram. You’ll be led along a higher path that helps you move beyond “othering” mode, and toward healing personal and collective trauma.

Featuring close to 70 world renowned experts in this field, you’ll discover evolved solutions for moving humanity away from polarization, and toward presence, wisdom, love, and empathy.

At this event, you’ll learn:
  • How to safeguard your soul by acknowledging the Enneagram center filter you use, allowing you to make wise choices when processing information
  • How you can use the Enneagram to move past negative patterns and have healthier and more fulfilling relationships with friends and family
  • The ability of a conscious Enneagram Type 7 to excel in many areas by whirling to the rhythm of life, breathing infinite possibilities, and integrating interests
  • A biological understanding of our instinctual drives, how they interact with our core suffering, and how they open greater access to life force than our type does.
  • Methods for accessing higher states of consciousness through an embodied practice of the Enneagram that utilizes conscious breathing practices
  • Why Enneagram Type 3s strive to be a source of hope in the world, leveraging their unique position as anchor point in the heart triad
  • How using Enneagram and CIEW (Consciousness, Information, Energy, and Will) tools together can improve self-awareness and self-control for Type 4s
  • How working with the chakras complements and deepens Enneagram work
  • That the experience of personality types shows up differently for people who belong to the historically excluded global majority
  • The core gifts, main struggles, and ego illusions of Enneagram Type 5s, along with resources for healing, and a potential path of growth
  • How releasing the emotional habit of “stubborn unwillingness” to face personal priorities can help ease the Enneagram Type 9’s version of anger
  • How the Enneagram Type 2 teaches generosity and its shadow aspects, balancing empathy and kindness with self-care to spark growth
  • That Enneagram Type 6s can be both thinking-dominant and thinking-repressed, so focusing on spiritual work can be healing by releasing passion
  • Ways to embody Enneagram Type 8 gifts like confidence, taking a stand, decisiveness, honoring your value, and dealing with anger in healthy ways
  • And much more!
Go here to reserve your free place at this inspirational event!

Whether you’re relatively new to the Enneagram… a long time enthusiast using its guidance in your personal life… or you’d like to put teachings from the Enneagram to use in a professional context, you’ll discover life-enhancing insights you simply won’t find anywhere else.

You’ll reap the benefits of expert wisdom on a wide array of topics relevant to our times. And you’ll receive invaluable insights about how to repair wounds not only in yourself and in your own relationships, but also in the global community.

Click here to RSVP – isn’t it time that you discovered your true potential at last?

Here’s to your highest good!

Articles From The Archive
Seven Giant Herbs You Can Grow at Home

Many of these large herbs are easy to grow and not only are they tasty but they are pretty in pots whether you grow them on their own or combine them with other herbs and flowers. 

By Erica Glasener –
Release the Ego – Transform the World

There is enough for everyone. Our magnificent earth provides an abundance of food, energy, natural medicine, and building supplies that could easily meet the needs of everyone on this planet. Mother Earth does not charge money for any of these things, but our artificial economic system creates lack, scarcity and a slave civilization. So the question is, “What is it about each of us that makes us comply and go along - enabling the corrupt and moral-less?" 

By Guest Writer Nanice Ellis.
Ginger Treats Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) is one of the most common gynecological problems in women, accounting for approximately 15% of all primary care consultations or outpatient referrals to hospitals. It is treated conventionally with a combination of interventions with serious if not also life-threatening side effects. Thankfully, research shows that ginger offers an excellent natural solution. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji.
Owning Your Personal Power – a Key to Awakening

It makes sense that as we evolve and wake up, we become more and more honoring to the world outside of us. But there is really something very simple yet profound that happens under the surface, and when we understand it and apply it to our awakening, we can evolve much quicker - owning your personal power. 

By Guest Writer Nanice Ellis.
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