Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Detoxify, Rejuvenate and Feel Fantastic – Fast!

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Building Your 5D Reality... Here and Now

It's time folks. Procrastination has to fall by the wayside now. Allegiance to a dying system must wither and perish, just as the system itself is doing. Blazing a trail into a higher evolution of being is possible, and necessary… and it's calling you. 

By contributing writer Openhand
Fluoride – The Only Drug Intentionally Added to Your Tap Water

There's only one pharmaceutical that is intentionally added to our tap water: Fluoride, an endocrine-disrupting, neurotoxic and bone-weakening substance which, added to our water supply, violates the laws of at least 17 U.S. states prohibiting the "sale" of any drug not approved by the FDA. 

Detoxify, Rejuvenate and Feel Fantastic – Fast!

Looking for a simple way to regain and maintain your health? Fasting gives the digestive system a break and allows the body to detoxify. Simple as that. 

By guest writer Katrin Geist
Freedom From Addictions

Addictions represent an attempt to find our true authentic Self and, simultaneously, avoid it… 

By guest writer Melissa Joy Jonsson 
The Mysterious World of Synchronicity

Synchronicity serves many purposes. It can serve as a reminder that we are on the right path, it can provide guidance, or a test, sometimes it will lead you to form significant relationships, and other times it is just a moment for you to stop and be present... 

By guest writer Luke Miller
Boldly Engaging the Ongoing Adventure

The shift continues to shift in new and amazing ways, challenging even newfound paradigms almost as quickly as we arrive at considering them. If things aren’t morphing that quickly for you, perhaps you’re not paying attention, because there’s a good chance they are and you’re just not noticing… 

By contributing writer Zen Gardner
Free Health Summits
Harness the power of mind, emotions and spirit for self-healing!

At the Soul of Healing Summit, we’ll merge the best of science, medicine and spirituality to help you create radical self-healing, and harness this innate power for deep and lasting health. You’ll learn from some of the top healers, scientists and experts around the world, who will share their wisdom and experience so you can find a deeply-integrated approach for personal healing.


While diet, exercise and supplements may produce remarkable results, if the vital role of the mind, emotions and soul are not taken into account, lasting health may not be possible. Body, mind and soul cannot be separated; they work together. When operating in a unified and optimized way, they have the power to create perpetual health, wellness, wholeness and long-term fulfillment.

Register for FREE

The Soul of Healing Summit could help you address:

Autoimmune diseases (including MS and Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Genetic disorders
Nerve damage, brain imbalances & neurological conditions
Bipolar disorder, depression and mental illness
Traumatic injuries with poor prognosis
Gut/Digestive imbalances
Lyme disease
Emotional trauma (including PTSD)
Stress, anxiety and sleep disturbances
Other chronic and “irreversible” conditions!
The Top 15 Lies You're Being Told About Health and Mainstream Medicine

Do you ever question what doctors, nutritionists, institutions and even science tells you about your health, food, environment and lifestyle? You should… 

By guest writer Marco Torres
7 Ways Probiotics DETOXIFY Your Body

You've probably heard the buzz already about the many health benefits of probiotics, a word which literally translates to: pro- "for" + biotics "life" -- FOR LIFE. But did you know that these remarkable commensal microorganisms break down highly toxic manmade chemicals which your body is either incapable, or only partially capable, of defending itself from? 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
Eight Ingredients You Never Want to See on Your Nutrition Label

The Food and Drug Administration has approved more than 3,000 additives, most of which you’ve never heard of. But the truth is, you don’t have to know them all. You just need to be able to parse out the bad stuff. Do that and you’ll have a pretty good idea how your future will shape up. 

By guest writer David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding
Giving Yourself Permission – a Key to Relieving Depression!

Living the way you want to live should be the most natural thing in the world, so why is it actually one of the most challenging? Could it be that we never follow our dreams, or listen to our hearts, because we are waiting for others to give us permission, and we are too afraid to give it to ourselves? 

By contributing writer Nanice Ellis
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