Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Deadly Chemo-Drug Costs 4,000x More Than Gold

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Censorship Still Rampant Around the World

Governments only censor information because THEY can’t handle the truth. They are deadly afraid of how the free flow of information could undermine their power and expose their secrets and corruption. 

By contributing writer Makia Freeman 
Humans Crave Connection: Why Loneliness is Dangerous to Health

Did you know, science has shown that loneliness can contribute to high blood pressure, fibromyalgia and other chronic illness? 

By guest writer Razi Berry
Deadly Chemo-Drug Costs 4,000x More Than Gold

Costing over $150 per milligram, this deadly and ineffective chemotherapy drug costs 4,000x its weight in gold. Why was it approved by the FDA and when will natural alternatives that actually work be made available to the public? 

By contributing writer Sayer Ji 
The Alchemy of the Feminine Energy: Being the Change You Wish to See

The alchemical process of ‘being the change you wish to see in the world’ has a yin and yang (feminine and masculine) component to it. In order to collectively elevate earth we must understand how vital the role of the feminine energy is, balancing the masculine energy to form heart-centered unity consciousness. 

By guest writer Sarah Elkhaldy 
The Myth of Authority

History has taught us that trying to fix the world by way of government always ends in disaster, empowering the ruling class and no one else. 

By guest writer Tim Bryant 
Exiting the Matrix with Ayahuasca

How do you awaken when you are trapped in the illusion and can’t find the exit door? Nature may hold the key to our awakening. Ayahuasca and other plant medicines offer the inherent ability to wake us up, out of the illusion… 

By contributing writer Nanice Ellis 
Free Health Summits
Misdiagnosis and improper treatment of fibromyalgia is rampant!

At The Fibro Fix Summit, you’ll learn why proper diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia (FM), as well as other fatigue- and pain-related disorders, is a neglected and poorly understood niche in medicine. These experts will discuss FM and the many disorders improperly labeled as FM, to provide real action steps and solutions.


Your host, Dr. David M. Brady, is an internationally recognized expert in fibromyalgia and a staunch patient advocate for those who have been struggling because of a medical system that is ill-equipped to deal with the problem. Join him and 30+ experts for this iconic event that could change your health and your life!

Register for FREE now

Attend The Fibro Fix Summit if you are suffering from:

Body-wide Pain
Persistent Fatigue
Unrefreshed Sleep & Insomnia
Depression and/or Anxiety
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Thyroid and/or Adrenal Dysfunction

The Fibro Fix Summit is online and free

from June 20-27, 2016!

How to Heal ADHD — Without Resorting to Pharmaceutical Grade Amphetamines

While the drugs prescribed to children for ADHD are controlled substances — pharmaceutical grade amphetamines — a natural pine bark extract has been shown to decrease hyperactivity in children diagnosed with ADHD while improving concentration and attention. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright 
Why We Honor The Ancestors

In my tradition, the Sangomas of South Africa, the Ancestors are the center of our work. They connect us to the spirit realm. They have wisdom to pass on to us spiritually. Listen, they will speak. 

By Guest Writer Gogo Thule 
9 Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen/NSAIDs Without the Side Effects

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen is commonly used for a number of painful conditions such as arthritis, headaches, menstrual symptoms and inflammatory conditions. However it is also linked to anaemia, DNA damage, hearing loss, hypertension, miscarriage and influenza mortality. So why not use effective natural alternatives that have no side effects? 

By Guest Writer Mae Chan
7 Reasons to Record Your Dreams

The dream state is much more complex than you might imagine. When entering that quantum state during dreamtime, most of the time our dreams appear symbolically. Recording our dreams each night will open up a whole new understanding of the amazing world we encounter each night in our dreamtime. 

By Guest Writer Tom T. Moore
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