Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Craving 'Bad' Weather? You're Not Alone - 4 Reasons Why Some of Us Long for Storms

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Craving 'Bad' Weather? You're Not Alone - 4 Reasons Why Some of Us Long for Storms

Did you know that seasonal affective disorder has a twin disorder? Reverse seasonal affective disorder causes people to feel depression, anxiety and lethargy in the summer months. 

If the approach of summer leaves you feeling miserable, you're not alone. From the psychology of weather to pink noise and negative ions, there are many reasons why for some of us, summer can't pass quickly enough. 

By staff writer Nikki Harper.
Every Part of This Weed Is Good for You

Dandelions are a famailiar sight around the world, thriving in even the most unlikely of conditions. This hardy flower with its bright yellow blooms is typically considered a nuisance weed, but it's actually one of nature's finest health givers, useful for everything from diabetic control to skin health and heart health. 

Find out more with guest writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
6 Ways We Can Teach Future Generations About Sustainable Living

New generations are growing up more and move aware of their environmental responsibilities - but there are easy ways you can encourage an awareness of sustainability to become even more second nature in your kids or grandkids. 

By guest writer Kara Reynolds.
Your Life’s Shift: It’s High Time to Get Some Energy Moving!

The energy has shifted enough for us to alchemise our lives. Start small with a ripple, then a stream, then a river, then a torrent. It's time. 

By contributing writer Open.
This past year we were presented with the opportunity to sit with ourselves and get in touch with the shadows of fear, racial injustice, human rights, climate change, healthcare, survival, and our responsibility to our humanity — at a whole new level.

We discovered we can no longer ignore the dynamics of the wounded masculine (which shows up in the world as toxic patriarchy) and the wounded feminine (which manifests in our lives as feeling victimized).

Wounded masculine and feminine energies within us suppresses our intuitive selves, leading us unable to live life to our full potential. Would you like to discover how to heal this imbalance? Join us for this free online workshop to discover more:

How to Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition: Transform Wounded Masculine and Feminine Imprints to Heal Yourself and Our World

In this 60-minute online event, Wendy De Rosa, celebrated teacher and founder of the School of Intuitive Studies, will help you discover the roles the masculine and feminine (both healthy and unhealthy) are playing in our subconscious patterns — and how you unknowingly embody them in your life.

Register here for this event and get ready to discover:
  • How the issues that had been stirring long before the pandemic, which came to a head during 2020, have initiated us into a deeper responsibility to show up and heal
  • That the role of the wounded and healthy aspects of the masculine and feminine are key energetic patterns that relate to all imbalances in current times
  • The ways you can contribute to collective healing by balancing and healing the masculine and feminine within you and calling forth your intuitive powers
  • How your intuition grows stronger as you heal the inherited imbalances of the masculine and feminine energies within
  • A healing guided meditation to clear outdated collective and personal energies — and to help you embody your power and reset your boundaries
Masculine and feminine energy live within each of us. We’ve all been subconsciously embodying both healthy and unhealthy elements of each, which has been feeding into and reinforcing our culture’s harmful dynamics.

Thankfully, we can heal these wounded aspects of ourselves, transforming them into the healthy masculine and healthy feminine, which allows our intuitive Self to emerge.

As Wendy will share, now is the perfect time to fully examine these energetic wounds you’ve been carrying – because what’s underneath these wounds is the light of your true being, which has purpose and legacy on this planet.

RSVP free of charge here to claim your place – you owe it to yourself and to society to allow your true light to shine freely.

If you can’t attend the event live, don’t worry – everyone who registers will receive a free downloadable recording once it’s available.

Articles From The Archive
Discovering Our Earthly Selves

We are all made of a beautiful combination of star dust and earth. At the moment of your human conception you become a physical being made of molecules provided by the earth. As your body grows, you gather, assimilate, and transform the molecules offered to you by the planet (food).

 By guest writer Liz Blake.
What are the Chakras and What is Their Purpose?

A great deal is spoken of in spiritual texts and musings about the Chakras and exactly what their purpose is. I view them as 'consciousness exchange points' where Unity Consciousness as the soul infuses with Separation Consciousness as the bodymind. 

By contributing writer Open.

While there are many factors that play into the development of cancer, diet and smoking habits make up nearly 60 percent of cancer cases. The food news is that with dietary and lifestyle changes, cancer rates can drop dramatically. 

By guest writer Anthony Gucciardi.
Is Our Greatest Desire To Be Conscious Creators?

As you live your life on earth, you always incorporate an expectation. You know what to expect, you know your direction, and you know what you want. But the greater desire is to be aware and to be intentionally directing and creating what you want.

By guest writer Enoch Tan.
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