Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Building Noah's Ark - Astrology Forecast April 4th - 10th

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Nuclear Experimentation: Year 77 - Postcarious

Contibuting writer Ethan Indigo Smith examines the state of nuclear experimentation, against the backdrop of disturbing events in Ukraine, 77 years after the first atom bomb was tested.
Five Reasons to Eat More Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are more than just a popular staple food serving as a sweet appetizer, side dish or filling snack on their own. This starchy root vegetable has plenty to offer when it comes to achieving optimal health. 

By guest writer Sayer Ji.
This Vegetable Stalks Disease and Tumors Like a Guard Dog

 Compounds in broccoli have been shown to benefit your heart and brain, boosting detoxification and helping prevent and/or treat high blood pressure, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and even autism. Now, researchers report sulforaphane may also be helpful in the treatment of schizophrenia. 

By guest writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
Building Noah's Ark: Astrology Forecast April 3rd - 10th, 2022

It’s set to be quite a month. April began with the New Moon in Aries last Thursday and ends with a New Moon Solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. Between those two planetary re-boots and renewals, the waters rise and rise on a great flood tide, thanks to the once in 166 years Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces on April 12th. 

By contributing writer Lorna Bevan.
The call of sacred plant medicine is inspiring people around the world to discover the powerful healing energies held in mind-altering and heart-expanding ancestral plants.

As you know, people have been ceremonially working with the vibrations and energies of these medicinal offerings for thousands of years.

In the Amazon, for example, shamans brew and drink the visionary curative ayahuasca — composed of the ayahuasca vine and chacruna leaves — to enter a deeply altered state of consciousness and travel to the spirit world. When they return to everyday consciousness, they recount their visions and share them with others. This transformative ritual has been going on for millenia.

Are you eager to find a new way to explore your own consciousness more deeply, or at least curious to learn more about how these ancient sacred plants can help you discover the infinite possibilities of healing and transformation?

Then join us for this free inspirational video event:

At this event, Andean spiritual leader Puma Fredy Quispe Singona - a remarkably warm and loving teacher, speaker, and facilitator of plant ceremonies- will share what it means to commune and heal with the spirit world.

This event will open your mind and your heart to the extraordinary power of plant medicine in our troubled times.

Register here, free of charge.

In this mind-expanding online event, you’ll:
  • Receive an introduction to the magical world of ancestral sacred plants
  • Participate in a breath exercise, connecting energetically with Ayahuasca and San Pedro, and learn about the activation processes that take place in your heart, body, and mind when you breathe in their spirits
  • Learn how communing with master plant teachers will help you safely integrate your experiences
  • Explore potent ways to manifest the teachings of the spirits — at the right time and with integrity
  • Discover how to create clear intentions as you approach and call in the sacred plant spirits
Whether you’ve already experienced the impact of conscious-altering plant medicine, or you wish to become better acquainted with this mystical realm, this event is not to be missed.

If you want to take your current spiritual practice even deeper, or you yearn to connect with the plant spirits on an everyday basis for wellbeing and health, Puma will walk you through loving ways to approach and invite these ancient medicinal plants into your life, as you deepen your lifelong journey into your inner self.

RSVP here for this empowering Planet Medicine event!

With so much in disarray in the world around us, it’s time to become more intimate with our own consciousness, the spirit world, and the potential for healing and transformation that’s available and profoundly needed right now.

Articles From The Archive
Treating Anxiety Naturally

For many people, the symptoms of anxiety can be debilitating., and pharmaceutical anxiety medication may cause awful side effects - sometimes worse than the anxiety itself - causing damage to the vital organs like the liver and kidneys. Thankfully, there are natural alternatives... 

 By Guest Writer Alex 'Earthie Mama' Du Toit.
Four Ways to Filter and Purify Water with Fruit

There is a cheap and easy way for any community in the developed (or underdeveloped) world to purify their water. The peels of some of the most widely consumed fruits in the world are remarkably efficient at absorbing a wide variety of harmful pollutants, including heavy metals, and they can be transformed into effective water filters with only minor preparation. 

By Guest Writer Mae Chan.
The Bitter Truth: Befriending Loss and Moving Through Grief

So afraid we are of feeling the pain of grief, we often push our sadness away. But, to move through it, we first have to let it in… 

By contributing writer Jack Adam Weber.
10 Hallmarks of Healthy Relationships

Working in the therapeutic sector with many different people in many types of relationships – including partners, parents/children and friends – it has become apparent that there are a few key factors which are generally present when the relationship is healthy. Throughout the following ten hallmarks, a common theme becomes clear... 

By Guest Writer Phillip J. Watt.
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