Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Asleep or Awake? Astrology Forecast March 12th - 19th, 2023

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Asleep or Awake? Astrology Forecast March 12th - 19th, 2023

Mars is about to leave Gemini after an unprecedented 7 months of disruption - but the warrior planet is not going to go quietly. The 3rd and final clash between the red planet - action -and Neptune - surrender - on March 14th is intensified by Sun/Mercury conjunct Neptune and Mars opposing the karmic Galactic Centre. 

By contributing writer Lorna Bevan.
The Science of Healing: Explore the Frontiers of Whole Person Medicine - FREE 5-Day Online Event

At this inspirational, empowering FREE 5-day online event, guided by leaders from around the globe, you’ll be able to integrate the latest proven healing techniques into your daily life — powerful, simple body-intelligence moves you can make throughout the day to refresh, get unstuck, transform anxiety, and enjoy more effective interactions with others. Don't miss it!
Handmade Orgonite Pyramids - A Perfect Fusion of Energy Healing & Style

These are selling fast on Conscious Shopping, with one version already sold out. Grab one or two while the launch sale of 20% off your first order is still active.

Don't forget, we offer free shipping, a 30-day money-back guarantee, and we will plant one tree for every product purchased - turning profits into forests.

Not entirely sure what an orgonite pyramid is or the amazing benefits they can provide? Check out our detailed article below:

The Remarkable Benefits of an Orgonite Pyramid

Reconnecting Wake Up World’s Lost Tribe – Please Join us Once Again on Facebook

When Wake Up World's Facebook page was deleted, our amazing 13-year community of nearly 4 millions souls was shattered. But I sense that the time is right to reconnect our lost tribe once again - will you come and join us?
Coconut Water Reduces Body Weight and Blood Sugar

Fresh coconut water is a staple in many diets around the world, including those of India and other tropical countries. But it goes beyond being a refreshing, thirst-quenching drink. Here's a rundown of its research-backed benefits, such as decreased blood glucose and body weight for improved health. 

By guest writer Sayer Ji.
Articles From The Archive
7 Natural Ways to Cure Canker Sores

Canker sores and mouth ulcers may not be serious but they are painful - find out the best ways to treat them naturally. 

By contributing writer Sayer Ji.
Why Do People Play Games in Relationships?

Why do people play games in relationships? What do they get out of it? And how can you identify whether you are instigating the games, or serving as the prey of them, or both? 

By guest writer Aletheia Luna.
How Modern Symptom-Based Medicine Can Make the Sick, Sicker

Modern medicine has roots in reductionism, where disease is not viewed as a body state but a set of symptoms. In this paradigm, early physicians began to define the human body as a machine, studying it by breaking it down into independent parts, losing touch with the study of the whole. While sickness, disease and over-medication are steadily increasing, is symptom-based medicine making the sick sicker? 

By Guest Writer Marie Be
Lifting the Veil of Separation

Humanity is facing several serious threats to its survival and conscious evolution. But there is no effect without a cause. Everything affects everything else. There are connections among all manifestations of consciousness, whether it be the proven connection between the Sun and the Earth via magnetic portals or between people - no matter how far apart they may be separated. 

By Guest Writer Paul Lenda.
Emit positive energy and create a peaceful atmosphere in your home, office or meditation space with the help of these gorgeous eco-friendly incense burners.

Get 20% for the next few days for all new customers. Don't forget, we offer free shipping, a 30-day money-back guarantee, and we will plant one tree for every product purchased - turning profits into forests.
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