Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Are You Sick of Feeling Sick? These 4 Steps Can Help You Naturally Heal Your Immune System

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
New Moon in Libra – Creating Balance in the Outer World

In the aftermath of the blood moon tetrad, we are finding it ever more difficult to tolerate the outdated life and structures around us. Massive internal shifts have taken place within each and every one of us: we are not the same as we were two years ago. Now, this New Moon in Libra brings with it themes of acceptance and integration, and the urge to create balance between our inner and our outer worlds. Take a deep breath… walk yourself to the edge of your comfort zone… and leap! 

Celebrating Genocide – Christopher Columbus’ Invasion of America

Christopher Columbus did NOT discover America. There, I said it. The first thing we are told about our nation in our early childhood is a complete fabrication of the truth. But, that is only the beginning of the secret atrocities that shaped the nation that we know today. 

By Guest Writer Irwin Ozborne 
Are You Sick of Feeling Sick? These 4 Steps Can Help You Naturally Heal Your Immune System

Are you experiencing vague sickness symptoms? Here are 4 simple steps to help heal your immune system and reduce your risk of autoimmune disease. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Kelly Neff
Our Galaxy Awakens! (And Science Confirms It)

If anyone needs a confirmation of this energetic change we’re experiencing as well as expecting more of, NASA scientists have just confirmed it. This is big news and should be an encouragement to many – that the ascension facilitating energy we’ve been sensing does indeed have a confirmed, identifiable physical counterpart. 

By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
The Energetic Sources of Depression, Addiction, PTSD and Other Life-Draining Dynamics in the Invisible Light Spectrum

There is a reason why feelings can be so overpowering and overwhelming – not all of them belong to you! Life-draining feelings and emotions can belong to other energies and entities that are attached to you. Tools for addressing the energetic root causes are centered around activity in the unseen, nonphysical world -- the world of the 99% invisible light spectrum. 

By Guest Writer Lia Love 
Another Brick In The Wall – Modern Education and the System of Deception

Many years ago in the USA, much money was poured into education by the Rockefeller created National Education Association, with the help of the Carnegie Foundation and later on the Ford Foundation. The result of the efforts of such organisations can be seen worldwide today in the real purpose of the modern education system – to cultivate conformity and prohibit critical thinking about anything of real importance. As a result, some of history’s truly great outside-of-the-box thinkers, and their innovative ideas/products, have never been able to see the light of day. 

By Guest Writer Paul Phillips
The Curse of the Proud American

Most Americans are still proud to be American and think that the United States is the greatest country in the world. Unfortunately, things are not quite that simple, and the vast majority of proud Americans have no clue the United States government was overthrown at the start of the 20th century. Let's go back in American history to the turn of the century... 

By Guest Writer Alan R. Adaschik
When We Love an Addict – Courage and the Limits of Compassion

When we love or are attached to an addict, we are deeply affected by them. The ride can be rough for us, for the relationship, and everyone involved, no matter how tough we are. Although addictions most often conceal emotional pain, some form of despair and self-dislike, what the addict does to counteract fear is scarier than what he avoids... 

By Contributing Writer Jack Adam Weber
The Indelible Mark of the Indigo

Universe, despite my knowing a much greater good lies behind the veil only waiting to be discovered and released. What is heartening is that Indigo children (and adults) are bringing a perspective that may change your life and how you look at those around you... 

By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
Free Online Health Summits
Click here to register for free and watch this groundbreaking 9-part docu-series, commencing on October 13th at 9:00PM US eastern time.

When over 100 doctors, researchers, scientists and cancer survivors from across the globe come together in unity and reveal for the first time their amazing new findings and the Truth About Cancer, it’s not just news — it’s a movement.

To watch this FREE docu-series, “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest”, simply click here for exclusive free access.

1-in-2 men, 1-in-3 women will get cancer. Are the odds in your favor? Take this 42 second quiz!
Activating Oxytocin – The Master Hormone for Bliss and Bonding

The natural state of the body's glands is interactive harmony, and the individual harmonies of the body come together to help create the song of your life; how you are feeling, how your immune system is working, what your sexual drives are saying in any given moment in time. Like our DNA, our consciousness play an active role in determining when and how our glandular system works. When we learn to activate the glands, the hormones, the sensation, we can activate the frequency of love in our being. 

By Contributing Writer Indra
Here’s What Happens When You Eat a 100% Organic Diet

No doubt about it, we’re living in an increasingly toxic world. Even so, we can reduce exposure by paying attention to the food we eat and the water we drink. A perfect example of this is a family in Sweden who decided to take a 21-day all-organic diet challenge. The results may surprise you. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
Top 5 Foods for the Pineal Gland

If you’re seeking enlightenment through meditation, or perhaps you’re just looking to obtain a good night’s rest, you need a healthy pineal gland. Often referred to as the third eye, this small, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ located in the brain secretes and regulates melatonin, the hormone that regulates your circadian rhythms (your sleep-wake cycle) and certain sex hormones. Calcification is an issue that occurs to everyone, but it’s increased in individuals that eat a poor diet. The problem is that overexposure to fluoride and phosphorus destabilizes your body’s mineral balance. This causes your pineal gland to calcify quickly. Nearly half of Americans experience pineal calcification by the age of 18! Try these 5 foods for the best pineal gland health. 

By Guest Writer Dr Edward Group
Garlic & Onions Prevents Cancer!

Great news for garlic and onions lovers. Personally, I have used garlic and onions in nearly all the meals I eat! For those of you who love these potent vegetables, know how much they can add to the depth of any flavor profile. But did you know they are also major players in the prevention of cancer? It’s true! In fact there have been many population studies that offer much evidence regarding the anti-cancer properties of garlic and onions. 

Contributing Writer Dr. Michelle Kmiec
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