Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Are Higher Vibrations Making You Sick? Integrating the Energetic Shift

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The Latest Wake Up World Headlines
Helper Souls And Their Mission

Average people wish only to live a comfortable life... then there are people born with the potential to make a difference. They show a natural curiosity for higher truths, develop a desire in life to help others, and are endowed with maturity and abilities that seem more advanced than heredity or social programming alone can explain. They are helper souls; advanced beings born into the Control System to help bring it down from the inside. 

By Guest Writer Montalk

If you are constantly tired, or struggle with your energy levels through the day, a few ancient herbal formulas can help you achieve the balance you never thought possible. Skip your daily sugar boost, coffee or red bull because in the long-term they will always let you down. Adaptogenic herbs will give you sustained energy and vitality while allowing your mind to think freely, calmly and without excessive stimulation. 

By Guest Writer John Summerly
Are Higher Vibrations Making You Sick? Integrating the Energetic Shift

Have you considered that an illness or emotional issue may be the result of an energetic overload? It is no secret that human consciousness and the consciousness of the planet are going through monumental shifts, and many of these shifts are a result of an influx of a higher vibration energy. There are many things that you can do in order to align your body to higher frequency energies and integrate the increased energy flow. 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis

Do you talk to your cells? You should be. Your body is made up of billions of cells, all working in unison to provide a vehicle for you to live your life. We know that many functions of the body are handled automatically by the parts of the brain that do not require conscious effort, but we also know that some of our bodily functions can be controlled and changed by conscious effort, and emotion. 

By Guest Writer Ian Brown
Ecocide: The Psychology of Environmental Destruction

Would a sane species abuse their own habitat so recklessly? And would they allow such dangerous trends to intensify without taking any serious measures against them? We may be collectively suffering from a psychological disorder (which I call ‘humania’) and our reckless abuse of the environment is one of the best pieces of evidence for this. 

By Guest Writer Steve Taylor PhD
Love Letter – A Valentine’s Invitation

Romantic love, as marked by the celebration of Valentine’s Day, is a small part of the whole of love. So, as we approach Valentine’s Day and celebrate "love", ask: is this where we want all our love-energy to go? Can we embrace the love in our hearts and channel some of that care to the beloved Earth beneath our feet, and people everywhere, so in need of love? 

By Contributing Writer Jack Adam Weber
Are You Awake? The Dimensions of Alertness

Within the human experience, 3 dimensions of Alertness may be identified, the deepest of which is the presence of the observing Consciousness; the capability of Sight. In this state of the Consciousness we view what is happening inside and around us, but there is a virtual space between us, as the contemplating Consciousness, and these experiences. This space enables us to avoid identification with our experience and to look at that experience as an external spectator. 

By Guest Writer Frank M. Wanderer
4 Harmful Effects of Caffeine

Whether you consume tea, coffee, sodas, energy drinks, or chocolate, you’re consuming some form of caffeine. This post is not meant to demonize caffeine altogether; in fact, at small amounts, caffeine has certain health benefits. It’s the excess use of caffeine that is an issue, as this compound is highly addictive. Caffeine doesn’t even provide true energy–it is merely a stimulant. Still, there are many who rely on it every day to get them going. Are you one those people? Listen up during this post to find out how caffeine dependency can affect your body and mind.

By Guest Writer Dr Edward Group
What Reading a Novel Does to Your Brain

The scientific world has good news for those who like nothing better than to curl up with a good novel. You already know that reading can delight, transport and intrigue you, but now you can add another benefit to this list: reading a novel actually enhances connectivity within the brain. 

By Guest Writer Mary West
Ten Shocking Facts about Mercury Amalgam

Mercury is toxic to humans and dental amalgam fillings, which uses a 50% mercury base combined with other metals, is one of the most common types of exposure. Research proving the extensive damage mercury can cause to human tissue and brain function is why I advocate discontinuing their use and, if you have them, their removal. By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward Group

Forget the detox pills, fasts and other painful cleansing techniques – instead, take a cue from the yogis of India and look to the breath. Using yogic breathing techniques, we can effortlessly detoxify, burn fat and increase metabolism. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
tsū – The Social Network That Pays You

Sebastian Sobcza, founder of new social media network tsū, has created a social platform that actually pays you to use it. And this is your invitation to join us.
Save Your Spot For This FREE Health Event!
Are you one of 70 million people suffering from digestive diseases in the United States alone? You might be… and not even know your gut is the cause! 

 Discover how your digestive health is intimately linked to your immune, endocrine, circulatory and central nervous systems at The Healthy Gut Summit, free and online from February 9-16, 2015. 

 This event features one-on-one interviews with 32 of the world’s most beloved and respected thought leaders and physicians.
Would you like to generate some money by promoting this event? Click here for more details
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