Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Adverse Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs in Children

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Adverse Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs in Children

New evidence shows that antipsychotic drugs put children at increased risk of metabolic syndrome - but psychiatry has a vested interest in prescribing them, writes guest writer Kelly Brogan, MD.
The War on Human Consciousness

There's an onslaught against human consciousness and sovereignty, but your small actions and your consumer choices can be a way of fighting back. 

By guest writer Rachel Horton White.
What exactly are the Akashic records? Well, pioneers of human consciousness and quantum science describe this field as a cosmic memory field that contains all information — past, present, and future. Most importantly, your Akashic records contain your soul plan and details of the contracts your soul has made in order to fulfill its highest plan and purpose.
Why Are Your Oranges Covered With Antibiotics?

What does the growing practice of treating citrus fruits with antibiotics mean for the risks of antibiotic-resistant disease? 

By contributing writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
Transcending the Illusion of Light Versus Dark

If our reality is an illusion, then we have nothing to fear from darkness or evil as it cannot harm our higher consciousness, says guest writer Jeff Street.
ElectricSense: EMF Health Summit 2019 - FREE Online Event
Are you concerned about EMF radiation and its effects on your and your family's health? From smartphones to WiFi, the modern world is bathing us in harmful EMF and you're right to be worried.

EMF radiation has been linked to cancer, Alzheimer's, depression, migraines, lowered immunity and a host of other conditions. Living off-grid simply isn't practical or desirable for most of us, so what can we do to protect ourselves?

Good news: you're invited to a ground-breaking FREE EMF Health Summit where you can discover the easiest ways to protect your family.

Run by Lloyd Burrell, who has dedicated his life to research on this subject, the summit will feature input from 34 experts who will share with you:
  • the best strategies for EMF protection
  • how you can continue to use your devices safely
  • how tweaks to your diet can help to protect you from EMF harm
  • plus FOUR free gifts, resources you can start using today to improve your protection right away
It's completely FREE to attend, so click here to reserve your place - start taking action today against this invisible threat.

Articles From The Archive
Are You a Bridge Between Two Worlds?

Do you find yourself straddling two worlds? The shallow, restricted illusion we all grew up in, and the world of love, authenticity, and personal sovereignty? If so, you are likely a bridge between worlds, here to facilitate a profound process of transformation. 

By contributing writer Christina Lavers
9 Healing Benefits of Music

Music has shaped cultures, started social revolutions, and created enchantment and magic – and now science is discovering why. 

By guest writer Paul Lenda
Dadirri: An Indigenous Approach To Healing Trauma

In the vast span of time before the colonial expansion of western culture, indigenous cultures weren’t without their methods of dealing with trauma and pain. Once such method - Dadirri - is a practice widely known across the Australian continent. 

By guest writer Jonathan Davis.
The Dangers of Soy Are Real–and Much Worse Than You Might Think

Promoting soy foods as healthy while ignoring its dangers should be considered a crime against humanity. If you think this statement is too extreme, read on.

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