Subject: Latest Headlines inc. 5 Things You Should Do If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
DIY Indoor Composting for Tiny Spaces – Learn How to Make Nutrient Dense Soil Without a Yard

When we consider the 251 million tons of trash American’s generated in 2012, and it gives one pause for thought about the sheer quantity of garbage we produce. Beyond recycling and reducing overall electronic and disposable waste, composting food scraps is a smart choice for shrinking our trash footprint. The main obstacle for many is that they live in small spaces without access to a yard. As luck would have it, making your own compact and efficient indoor composter is straightforward and easy. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
Don’t Get Enough Sleep? How Caffeine Affects the Poor Sleep Cycle

Many people fall short in reaching an appropriate amount of sleep on a regular basis. Without sleep one can not only experience short-term cognitive impairments, but sleep deprivation also puts one at risk for more serious, long term physical illnesses. To cope the next day, many of us turn to coffee for a 'boost'. However, the fact that coffee may perpetuate sleep difficulties should not go unnoticed by those suffering from sleep deprivation. 

By Guest Writer Jacob Scharf
The Essential Oils Revolution (ONLINE and FREE) from May 11-18, 2015!

With 31 presentations containing relevant evidence and practical advice, The Essential Oils Revolution will help you use essential oils effectively and confidently. If you register today, you’ll have access to FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

5 Things You Should Do If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, you already know your blood sugar levels can get too high. Your body develops a problem called insulin resistance where it doesn’t use insulin normally. While your pancreas can create insulin to offset the issue, that only works so well. And while the rate of diabetes seems to be levelling off in the U.S., this is still a very serious issue. If you have type 2 diabetes, here are some things you should really know (and do). 

By Guest Writer Dr Edward Group.
Sex, Love and Oxytocin – The Full Spectrum Connection

Oxytocin - the bliss hormone - is the master hormone that triggers different functions within the glands of the body. By developing an intimacy with our body's glands and their functions, we can give ourselves access to their sensations and live in the full bliss vibration of our body, with all our glands working in harmony with each other. Then, when we share the bliss of sexual union with another activated being, it opens up endless opportunities for energetic expansion and evolution. For that reason, it helps to understand how the body's energy centers interact when we experience that full-spectrum connection with another person. 

By Contributing Writer Indra
The Glowing Skin Summit, online and free from April 27 – May 4, will bring secrets, wisdom and cutting-edge information from 35 of the world’s top wellness, nutrition, hormone and skin experts. They’ll teach you the best natural (and least invasive) treatments for glowing skin and vibrant health!

Activism and the Power of 108

Due to the fact that it is a complicated technology shrouded in complicated politics, when it comes to nuclear experimentation many people succumb to the ostrich effect - that is, they would rather bury their heads in the sand than acknowledge the industry's history of political fascism and ecological devastation. It can seem like an overwhelming subject, but change cannot happen until we accept and integrate our reality. Only then will we see the solutions of infinite potential ahead of us. So, when discussing such issues, I like to provide people with a simple formula for conscious activism and social transformation. 

By Contributing Writer Ethan Indigo Smith
Manifesting Miracles with ‘White Magic’… Authentically!

It is frequently said within the spiritual mainstream that 'our reality is shaped by our thoughts' - that if we could think positively, then we would create a more desirable reality that we might want. To me, there is a more desirable reality that we can manifest, but it is not one that comes from the lower mind. The real key to being a positive force for change in the world is not trying to manifest some kind of creation by yourself that is separate from the natural flow; it is to manifest your unique way of being, by making space for it to arise naturally from within. 

By Contributing Writer Open
Are You “Spiritual But Not Religious?”

When I talk to people about spirituality, they commonly respond with “Oh but I’m not religious”, to which I respond “Yeah, me neither”. Then they look puzzled. While there’s a lot of overlap in the teachings of all religions that probably points to some spiritual truth, I find myself resisting any dogma that says that one way is “The Way” and everything else is hogwash. 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
Happy 69 Year Old Lady Has Not Used Money For 15 Years

Heidemarie Schwermer, a 69-year-old woman from Germany, gave up using money 15 years ago and says she’s been much happier ever since.
Agenda 21: The Plan for a Global Fascist Dictatorship

It is happening all around us - a tiptoe toward a totalitarian world in which a super-rich, super-callous ‘elite’ live in high-tech luxury while the rest of the population is subject to increasing global structures of fascist control. And it's no accident. This vision for our society is detailed in a plan being imposed through the United Nations called Agenda 21. 

By Guest Writer Julian Websdale
What a Rabbit Taught Me About Being an Empath

When I spend time in nature a multi-dimensional dialogue always happens - a telepathic conversation. When we let go of everything else and find a space within, beyond judgement, beyond expectations, surrendering into the moment - that’s where the real conversation happens. With mutual respect for all sentient life, there is no need for disconnection. 

By Contributing Writer Trinity Bourne
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