Subject: Latest Headlines inc. 100+ Health Properties of Pomegranate Now Includes Helping Diabetics

The Latest Wake Up World Headlines

More often than not in our daily lives, we find ourselves staring at tiny type on computer screens and cell phones for long periods of time, leading to increased incidence of eye strain and fatigue. Try these natural tips to correct poor eyesight by using contemporary techniques and trusted remedies. Healthy eyesight is possible without unpleasant procedures or excessive effort. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright

“Chemtrails” is the popular name for aerosol spraying in different layers of the atmosphere, under the cover of numerous global geo-engineering programs. But is this possible? Could there widespread global aerosol spraying programs? Not only this possible, it’s been going on for decades. Not the fictions of paranoid conspiracists, deniers can easily verify this notion with a few minutes of research. 

By Guest Writer Jay Dyer
100+ Health Properties of Pomegranate Now Includes Helping Diabetics

While pomegranate enjoys high standing as far as its culinary status, too few folks realize how wide a wide range of health benefits this ‘super food’ actually possesses, with a staggering 100+ of them identified so far through’s research indexing project. Consider what a physician would think if he could find a drug that instead of possessing 100 side effects (which is sadly typical for pharmaceutical agents) had 100 side benefits? 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
The Orchestra of Reality – Information, Energy and Vibration

Some call it spirituality, others religion, the experience of consciousness, or the paranormal. The blurring of the lines between one person’s mind and the rest of reality has been called many things by many cultures over the course of humanity’s history. No matter what you call it, a variety of both esoteric and scientific disciplines in combination are paramount to understanding these experiences. 

By Guest Writer Phil Watt
A Lesson In Empathy

The woman in front of you in the grocery store line just lost her mother after a nine year battle with cancer. Your boss just found out his wife is having an affair. The other mother you ran into in the schoolyard just found out her daughter has a brain tumor. The Starbucks barista who has been schlepping espresso to fund her dream just found out the book she spent five years writing got rejected by yet another publisher. The young boy acting out in the restaurant just found out Daddy is going to war. The woman who cut you off in traffic just filed for divorce from her abusive husband. The waiter who forgot to bring you extra salad dressing just lost his son in a car accident. As Rev. John Watson said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”. 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
Spellcasting 101 – Tapping Into The Power Of The Magnum Mysterium

When you spell things out, you cast a spell. The words we spell, think and speak carry and transmute powerful vibratory coded information out into the universe. While the origins of the English language reveal that it was designed to endow a culture of commerce and financial economics, we can still tap into the power of the word through specific techniques which unlock the mysterious powers of our universe. 

By Guest Writer Joshua Eagle
Why Bad Things Happen at Good Times

Life is going great. You are on top of the world. Things couldn't be better! Then BOOM! You get sick, have an accident or some unexpected crisis comes up, bringing the “good times” to a screeching halt. These events can leave us feeling insecure and doubting our ability to maintain a happy and healthy life - a downward spiral that gets us more of what we don’t want. So, let’s rise above the negative and turn it all around. 

By Guest Writer Nanice Ellis
Save Your Spot For This FREE Health Event!

Approximately 5% of global population (U.S.) uses 80% of the world’s opioids & 99% of its Vicodin! End your cycle of excessive medications that don’t reach the source of your pain… and get back to the energetic and healthy life you deserve when you attend.
 The Pain Relief Project, January 19-26, 2015! 
The One Bacteria That Causes Tooth Decay, Acne, Tuberculosis and Pneumonia Can Be Killed By This One Seed

Gram positive bacteria, which cause tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and leprosy are all killed by anacardic chemicals present in cashew nuts which are actually seeds. 

By Natasha Longo.

Remote viewing is a mental faculty that allows a perceiver (a "viewer") to give details about something that is inaccessible to "normal" senses, usually recording it in writing or in sketches. It is my hope in writing this article that I can relate to the reader exactly what remote viewing is, while dispelling a few misconceptions as we go. 

By Guest Writer Matt Raye
tsū – The Social Network That Pays You

Sebastian Sobcza, founder of new social media network tsū, has created a social platform that actually pays you to use it. And this is your invitation to join us.

In my previous article, Enhancing Neurotransmitter Production Naturally, I discussed the issue of supplemental ‘mood elevators’ as it pertains to dopamine deficiencies. In this article I will be discussion the merits of two further neurotransmitters which range in their abilities from alleviating our feelings of loneliness to staving off seizures. 

By Guest Writer Jacob Scharf
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