Subject: Get to the Root Causes of Your Sleep Struggles

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Identify the hidden culprits preventing you from a good night’s sleep
Do you suffer from lack of sleep or chronic insomnia? Maybe you've tried all the advice, given up caffeine and sugar, minimized late-night screentime, taken plenty of exercise, meditated, visualized and drunk herbal tinctures galore and you're still not getting the quality sleep you crave?

We know that feeling! Join us and plant medicine expert K. P. Khalsa for a FREE video event: Discover How to Get to the Root Causes of Your Sleep Struggles - 5 Essential Keys to Getting Consistent, Good Sleep.

During this enlightening event you'll discover:
  • How to break the insomnia cycle, by uncovering the root causes of you sleep challenges
  • The links between insomnia and adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, digestive upsets, stress and depression
  • Three plant medicine remedies and two fresh new habits for better sleep
  • Why sleep hygiene - such as avoiding screentime or cutting out sugar at night - may not solve your problem - and what will
K. P. Khalsa has spent over 48 years practicing natural medicine and Ayurvedic herbalism and he has developed a highly personalized program to help you get a good night's sleep, naturally.

Don't miss this opportunity to start getting the sleep you need. RSVP here for this FREE event - you'll receive a downloadable recording of it later, whether or not you can attend live.

Here's to a good night's sleep for all!

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