Subject: Experience a guided meditation to discover the psychic mind-virus, wetiko, within you

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Experience a guided meditation to discover the psychic mind-virus, wetiko, within you.
World circumstances are inviting us to undergo an inner alchemical transformation.

We are collectively making a shamanic descent into the darkness of the unconscious, believes spiritual emergence pioneer Paul Levy, and undergoing an archetypal death and rebirth experience.

Yet, the collective madness that appears to have overtaken our world can potentially help us see that there is something within us preventing our full evolutionary potential… something that can also potentially catalyze us to awaken to the dreamlike nature of reality and remember the essence of who we are.

Early Native Americans called this catalyst wetiko, and it’s a concept recognized in all spiritual traditions — a psychospiritual disease of the soul — a mind-virus or mental blindness that works through the blind spots of the unconscious.

On the flip side of this darkness dwells our light – and it can be freed. If you would like to find out how, join us for this free workshop:

Weitko is what feeds our shadow sides, those parts of ourselves we can’t or don’t want to see. It causes us to form a dualistic perspective — an us-versus-them mentality — and suffer the painful consequences of accepting this perceived sense of separateness.

In a profoundly eye-opening and surprisingly inspiring hour with Paul, you’ll discover how to free your light – as well as the creative passion and energies within you . You’ll discover how to awaken from the dreamlike nature of weitko and you’ll see it for the catalyst towards positive change that it is.

Register here for How to Transumte Weitko and Unveil Your Luminosity – Free of charge!

During this illusion-shattering 60 minutes, you’ll:
  • Discover wetiko — the psychic mind-virus within each of us and the collective — and the soul-empowering benefits of learning how to alchemize it in order to wake up to the dreamlike nature of reality
  • Experience a profound guided meditation to glimpse behind the veil of your own inner wetiko, and notice your resistance to living authentically, what’s blocking you, and what’s drawing you forward
  • Learn the remedies for wetiko and how they strengthen your innate nature as a creator, cultivate compassion and healthy connection to others, and illuminate the synchronistic nature of life
  • Learn how to differentiate between our neurotic monkey mind, a symptom of wetiko, and the actual downloads from your higher soul-self
  • Discover the counterfeiting spirit within that impersonates us and that we identify with, and how to recognize and dispel it
You’ll learn how wetiko can cause us to fall under the spell of what in the Apocryphal texts of the Bible is called the counterfeiting spirit, where we are hijacked by societal norms that steal our true nature, unique creative gifts, and our ability to perceive and experience the loving nature of Universal Oneness.

And, you’ll come away with powerful remedies for transforming this personal and collective dis-ease.

RSVP here for this profound and inspirational free workshop.

We hope you can join the event live, but if you can’t, don’t worry – everyone who registers will receive a downloadable recording to keep as soon as it becomes available.

Isn’t it time you emerged from weitko, and stepped into your true power?

We’ll see you there!

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