Subject: EMF Hazards: Learn How to Protect Yourself From Harmful EMFs - Including 5G

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Are you becoming “electro-sensitive”?
More and more doctors are receiving visits from people who have been struggling with a new mystery illness…

They get told they are “crazy” by conventional doctors and feel rejected by the medical system… but their illness is VERY real and it’s spreading!

You may already have it too if you’re experiencing:

1. Fatigue/ weakness
2. Sleep disturbance/ insomnia
3. Headaches/ migraines
4. Brain fog/ difficulty concentrating
5. Depression or anxiety
6. Memory loss
7. Visual disruptions/ light sensitivity
8. Skin problems
9. Heart palpitations
10. Dizziness

What is this mystery condition?

EMF Sensitivity.

Recently, over 180 medics and scientists sent a document to the European Union appealing for the suspension of the 5G roll out. They warned that EMF technology is a serious environmental hazard, harmful to life, and has not been properly tested.

Yet because EMFs are invisible, and because we rely so heavily upon our modern wireless tech, few people protest, and governments continue to push their EMF agendas.

Already doctors are seeing more and more people becoming hypersensitive as 5G takes hold around the world.

In a recent interview with safe tech advocate Nick Pineault, Dr. Neil Nathan said:

“What I’m seeing as someone who is treating EMF sensitivity is that it has skyrocketed. It used to be very rare, many years ago. And then as the world that we live in has become more toxic…  we’re seeing a dramatic increase in illnesses that are related to this toxicity.”

We're not talking about a few isolated cases here - it’s happening everywhere!

That’s why Nick put together this important virtual EMF Hazards online event - and it's free for a very short time:

At this essential event, 18 of the world’s leading EMF researchers and scientists are coming together to expose the truth about 5G and all forms of electro-pollution and its seriously damaging effects on the body.

You can no longer trust the government to protect you - they have ignored science and side with the industry to cover up the truth... in the name of profit.

It’s up to you to protect yourself and your family before it’s too late.

RSVP here to secure your free place at this event while there's still time!

EMF exposure has been linked to a huge range of illnesses and conditions, including:
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • ADHD and behavior problems
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Insomnia
  • Lowered fertility
Research suggests that EMFs interfere with the pineal gland's ability to produce melatonin, because it cannot distinguish EMF radiation from natural daylight waves. The resulting melatonin deficiency can lead to cancer and immune disorders.

Interference from EMF radiation with human and animal circadian rhythms also causes untold damage such as hormonal imbalances and endocrine disorders.

But there ARE things you can do to protect yourself and your family - without having to give up all of your gadgets and live in a cave!

Learn more at this unmissable free  event - register here today.

We'll see you there!

P.S. Please share this with others. More people NEED to know about what’s really happening - especially those whose kids are being exposed to the highest doses of EMFs.

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