Subject: Celebrating Women's History Month in your March your Million Girls Moonshot Monday News!

Plus a $2,000 for program expense/$1,000 stipend opportunity!

March is here and with it comes Women's History Month! What was originally known as “Women’s History Week” in 1982, has deservedly transformed over the years into an entire month aimed at recognizing and celebrating the contributions of women in our society, throughout history.  

This month, the Million Girls Moonshot will pay tribute to the brilliant minds and contributions of female STEM leaders who have impacted not only their field, but the world around them in meaningful ways. In celebrating the lives of these women and Women’s History Month, we must realize that in order for our world to solve some of our biggest challenges — public health, climate change, and cybersecurity — we must remove barriers for girls and women in all STEM disciplines so they can truly thrive! 

The IF/THEN Collection Comes to Washington DC

Million Girls Moonshot partner, IF/THEN is bringing their collection to life. Bright-orange, 3D-printed statues of women in STEM are at the Smithsonian until March 27th. The statues will start out all in one concentrated area, in the Arts and Industries Building, the nearby Smithsonian Castle, and the Enid A. Haupt Garden. After the first weekend, they will be dispersed throughout other areas of the National Mall, including some to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Each statue has a QR code where you can find more about the IF/THEN Ambassador and their area of expertise.

Learn more here.

Program Resources

If you expect to be conducting an engineering camp or leading engineering activities for middle school youth this summer, you may be able to help with the Million Girls Moonshot (MGM) evaluation. In exchange for your assistance, we will provide $2,000 for program expenses and a $1,000 stipend for the facilitator. 

Learn more about the opportunity HERE. Apply HERE by April 15, 2022.

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