Subject: VPH Newsletter: March 2014

_________VPH News__________
Monthly newsletter of the Virtual Physiological Human 
for Integrative Biomedical Research
March 2014
Tianhe-2 - the world fastest supercomputer opens new scenarios for VPH
The VPH Institute has recently agreed with the National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou - China to launch a grand challenge that could allow breakthroughs in computational biomedicine. Give us your contribute! 
Progress on EU data protection reform now irreversible following European Parliament vote
Neelie Kroes speech on importance of technology- CEBIT, Cyber Security Conference  
Written Parliamentary Question - Horizon 2020 - ‘Science with and for society’ in the 2014 EU budget
STOA Panel meeting on “Science Metrics: measuring scientific performance for improved policy making”

VPH is featured on the 
New Scientist Magazine 
A medically accurate digital double could revolutionise your life” is the title of the article dedicated to VPH and the changes this technology could bring to everybody’s life in the next 20 years from now.
Download the latest issue of the VPH Share newsletter...
VPH NL Networks wins 
the call for bid for VPH2016
VPH2016 will be held in Amsterdam from September 19-21 2016  Read more
EIT ICT LABS Idea Challange
The EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge is a European innovation contest which offers prizes up to €40.000 to the best ideas on how to revolutionise the information and communication technologies of tomorrow. Read more
The most effective two-week technology venture launch program for acquiring a silicon valley mindset: from July 20th to August 2nd, 2014. Read more
The first Avicenna event took place in Rome, Italy on the 21st March 2014.

The Avicenna team wishes to thank all the attendees for their important contribution to the project! 
Contribute to the Avicenna discussions on in silico clinical trials on Linkedin
Around a shared vision, Avicenna will develop and promote a roadmap on in silico clinical trials, and work to overcome the legal, financial, organisational and technical barriers that could slow the adoption of computer simulation in this domain. Join our discussion group
Registration discount for MIHealth Forum 2014 (May 21st - 22nd)
MIHealth is the leading international forum on health management and clinical innovation where experiences and knowledge that contribute to greater efficiency in the health system are exchanged. Enjoy the MIHealth with the total congress packDiscount voucher
Conference Deadlines:
Abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2014 - Early bird registration deadline: June 1, 2014
§ 2014 CASyM Academic/Industry interaction workshop
 10 April 2014 Isara, Lyon - France
§ IEEE BIBM 2014
2-5 November 2014, Belfast
We need your support to ensure that the Virtual Physiological Human is fully realised, universally adopted, and effectively used both in research and clinic.
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