Subject: How Spirulina Protects You From Chronic Illnesses

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How Spirulina Can Protect You From 
Crippling Chronic Illneses
Did you know that one in four Singaporeans aged 40 y/o and above has at least one chronic disease? This includes diabetes, high blood cholesterol, stroke, and high blood pressure. Such diseases do not only steal an enjoyable lifestyle due to the physical limitations these cause, these also rip off a bank account to sustain the high medical costs.

You are vulnerable to developing one or more of these chronic diseases as you age. Fortunately, you can save yourself from these mishaps or delay their health complications by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. 

Spirulina: A Miracle To Fight Off Chronic Illnesses

Spirulina is being endorsed as a powerful “superfood”or a “miracle from the sea” because of its ability to effectively fight off several medical conditions. Several studies show that it offers high nutritional value, containing all of the essential amino acids, several vitamins and minerals. It also contains Zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, which are powerful antioxidants.

One of Journal of Medical Food shows that the two grams intake of spirulina resulted to a surprising fall of blood sugar levels. The study of Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism also proved that the intake of spirulina can significantly lower one’s cholesterol level.

Additionally, the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture also published a study claiming that it can help prevent and manage heart diseases through its antioxidant properties.

With the health benefits carried by Spirulina, you have the ability to protect yourself from the crippling effects of chronic illnesses. Start to become mindful of your health today! 
About StaZen Spirulina:

Cleansing: Spirulina promotes the body natural cleansing processes. It leaves you feeling energetic, happy and healthy.

Strengthening: Spirulina boosts resistance and activates the body natural defense mechanisms. You feel stronger and more capable of handling stressful everyday situations.

Restoring: Spirulina makes up for deficiencies in the diet and stimulates the metabolism. Your physical condition improves prominently and you recover faster after exertion.

Because of its cleansing, restoring and strengthening functions, Spirulina gives you new energy and makes you more alert and balanced.
StaZen Spirulina Offer: Buy 3 for $100 Save $70 - Limited Time Only!
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