Subject: Are your relationships healthy?

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Victoria Zaitz, MLA, MTP

  Intuit.  Empower.  Awaken.
Welcome! Here's the weekly Energetic Forecast.  The theme for this week is Healthy Relationships!

It's the twilight zone, the time in between eclipses.  It is a time where the new energy download of the solar eclipse starts to get sorted out and takes form.  We are given a more clear direction and we head towards it.  But eclipses always come in pairs, a lunar and solar, a feminine and masculine.  We are headed towards a total lunar eclipse in Libra on Saturday April 4th, so there is still the feminine part of the puzzle to lock into place.  The effects of eclipses generally can last a while though, even up to a year.  

Are your relationships healthy? To highlight one of the themes of my upcoming webinar-- Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Patterns (moved to April 8th) I'm going to dive into one of the most common unhealthy relationship issues--co-dependency.  

Co-dependency is a pattern of relating to others that is learned in a dysfunctional home (such as a home with addictions, physical, emotional, verbal abuse, for instance.)  Typically in such a home we have a parent with a primary issue and an enabling parent who is co-dependent.  The co-dependent parent basically attempts to rescue the other.  This creates a very unhealthy dynamic where the co-dependent's sense of self worth is gained by "helping" their partner.  It is a pattern of over-giving, self sacrifice, martyrdom, and truly, enabling.  Both of the parents are dependent on one another for something that they should take responsibility for themselves (their own well being.)  A child who witnesses this is likely to grow up to partner up with someone that plays out this same dynamic, and they are likely to be co-dependent.

How can we break such a destructive psychological pattern?  Awareness is of course, the first step.  Emotional releasing of the pain of childhood is also very therapeutic.  When we are a child we may have learned to stuff difficult emotions we could not express to our parents such as anger.  Getting these emotions out will go a long way to help our emotional healing, which automatically helps relationships to be more healthy.  Often the first person we look to blame is the other, when the only thing we can change really, is, ourselves.

Client Story: One of my clients grew up with a co-dependent mom and an alcoholic dad.  She also became co-dependent from watching that dynamic play out while growing up.  She also consistently attracted partners who were substance abusers.  This is in one way her attempt to heal the relationship she had with her father.  I had to tell her that, of course, it is not possible to have a healthy relationship with a non-recovered substance abuser.  No matter how much you love someone you cannot love them out of their addictions.  It has to be a choice on their part to change.  She had to see this pattern for what it was, and basically ask more for herself, including the ability to be ok with being on her own. Today she is well on the road to recovery and feels better about herself than ever before, awesome progress!


I have been sick this week, so moved today's webinar, Healthy & Unhealthy Relationship Patterns, to April 8th. Plenty of time to register for that here.

Registration is now live for my workshop in Lily Dale, NY this summer called Journey to Spiritual Partnerships on July 2nd! Here is a link to the Facebook giveaway to be a personal assistant for this event.  Just like my page and comment on the post to enter!

Mark your calendars for the Pittsburgh leg of the US Tour of the Isha Center from Nepal! July 27-Aug 3rd. 

If you missed any of my webinars, Real Talk: Practical Self Love, Meditation: How and Why to do it, and Psychic Development 101, you can purchas
e them here. I am also offering a monthly subscription to my webinars for $19.99/month (at the same link.) Included with that is unlimited access to all previous webinars and all future webinars in the Wednesday Webinar Whizdom series. You can participate live and ask questions or just subscribe to the recordings. I will also be having special, members-only webinars for subscribers. If you are going to subscribe, let me know and don't use the regular link to sign up for webinars, you will have special access. :) 

May you Intuit, Empower, and Awaken,


If you are dealing with an emotional vampire or other extremely unhealthy person, your intuition will know it! Look for the grumble in your gut, feelings of energetic repelling, and any of your "danger" intuitive signals. If something does not seem right, it probably isn't! Then you must trust and listen to that signal!  

Empowerment is essential to healthy relating.  This means moving out of victim status into action mode.  Victim consciousness will keep you stuck in unhealthy relationship patterns.  How can we move out of that state of mind?  First realize it is a state of mind and you are capable of transcending it by recognizing your thoughts.  Then begin examining your thoughts and ask where they came from?  If they came from your parents, or traumatizing situations, begin to emotionally heal those.  As you take action to heal, you realize that you are empowered to make changes in your life.  

As you spiritually awaken, your relationships will become more healthy, as long as you are translating your spirituality into the circumstances of your life and using it in your decision making.  If we don't, we are using spirituality to avoid dealing with our unhealthy patterns.  This is what I call "spiritual bypass." Read more about this here
Soul Connections and Healthy Relating
Oh boy, this is where concepts start getting into the gray area :) And not 50 shades of gray, either.

I say that because soul connections are designed to bring out all that is unhealthy in you for clearing.  We can say that for other relationships, too, of course, but in this case amp that up by 1,000 and add that some of them have no other purpose other than that.  
So when do these connections become unhealthy?  Basically, when they are done, they have served their purpose, and someone is still hanging on to it for dear life.  How do we know when they are done?  This is all a question of following your intuition or checking in for good guidance.  Usually you will know.  

One of the main problems is that our society mis-understands the terms soul mate, twin flame, etc to the degree that it gets someone to expect a relationship when that may not be the purpose of it at all.  In the case of twin flames, whose purpose it is to basically re-design the whole relationship concept, it is painful to think of them in those terms because they are meant to revolutionize those very terms.

People who do not understand soul connections will immediately label them unhealthy and advise you to just bail.  It really is not that simple.  This is where we have to apply balance in our understanding of what is healthy and what is not in different contexts. Most of these connections require a shift in world view in addition to a very deep spiritual look at oneself.  

Soul connections require us to be more deeply in the moment than ever before, and to dig deep in order to understand it. So if a well meaning friend calls you crazy for being in this situation, you are not crazy.  But you must shift in using the connection to better yourself rather than wanting the connection on your own terms.  This is a quantum leap when it comes to relating, a massive shift in world view.  It is an example that the rest of the world will be needing to follow as all relationships grow and evolve on this planet. We must move from a lack of understanding and compassion to a true relating.  This doesn't mean dump everyone from your life that you disagree with or that you are angry with.  But it also doesn't mean hang on demanding something that is not forthcoming.  You see how we are in the gray now, yes?  
Asking for help is the best thing to do in these situations.  
Wednesday Webinar Whizdom

April 8--Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Patterns, 8pm EST. $11.11 Register here

April 15--Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned

April 29--Help for the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned



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Valid for scheduled appointments at my office only. Coupons are valid until the next newsletter.  


Psychic/Mediumship Reading
Soul Mate/Twin Flame Reading & Counseling
Guided meditation session
In-Person Reiki
Spiritual Path Coaching
1-1 Mentoring in Intuitive Development 

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