*This works* [Allergies, Upset Stomach, Sore Throat]

June 11th, 2019 at 9:52 am EDT
Hello Friend,

Welcome to Tuesday

Licorice Root is proving to be VERY helpful for healing many dogs and cats naturally.

Sign up for tomorrow's Livestream and I'll be showing you HOW I am incorporating Licorice Root in healing my pets at home!

DATE: June 12, 2019
Time: 11AM Pacific
               Licorice Root for Dogs and Cats

Licorice is a member of the legume family, and while there are species that grow in the U.S., Glycyrrhiza glabra is primarily native to Europe and Asia. Also, you might see “Chinese licorice” listed on products. In that case, it’s likely Glycyrrhiza uralensis, the second variety.

Licorice root benefits are primarily the same between the two varieties, according to the Journal of Advanced Research.  However, it’s worth noting that glabra is typically the variety referred to when discussing licorice root.

Glycyrrhiza’s name reflects its most popularly known claim to fame: “sweet root.”  With an extract that can be 30 to 50 times sweeter than sugar, we can see why our ancestors were inspired to turn it into candy! In Chinese medicine, anti-inflammatory licorice root has been used for centuries for many of the same uses that science has confirmed now — coughs and colds, gastrointestional issues, and female reproductive issues.

Side Effect and Warnings

Glycyrrhizin is the one active ingredient which may cause side effects- although this is seldom seen in animals.

Glycyrrhizin has been noted to create side effects when overused, such as increased blood pressure, reduced potassium levels, edema (swelling) and other issues. 

Avoid with high blood pressure, heart disease, liver or kidney disease.

Because this would exclude animals with blood pressure, liver and kidney issues, licorice supplements can be standardized to remove this compound — known as deglycyrrhized licorice. (DGL)

Top 5 uses for Dogs and Cats

1. Allergies

Licorice root contains glycyrrhizin, a glycoside that acts as a natural corticosteroid, but without the adverse effects of weakening a dog’s immune system. Licorice enhances the body’s anti-inflammatory processes, making it a perfect herb to align with more conventional treatments like hydrocortisone therapy. This herb allows dogs to be safely weaned off of higher level steroid medications that can be damaging with long-term use. 

Doses: 1/2 ml of tincture/20lbs of body weight twice daily for 14 days max

2. Topical ANTI-ITCH medication

An easy to make HOME remedy: 1 ml of licorice root tincture, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 5 drops of Lavender oil

Apply topical to affected area twice a day for 7-14 days.

Can be made just with coconut oil

3. Cough/Sore Throat

One of licorice root's most well-known uses is to ease congestion from coughs and colds. It acts as an expectorant, helping to loosen and expel phlegm, and it also has a soothing effect on irritated mucous membranes.

The German Standard License approves licorice root infusions for loosening mucus and alleviating discharge in bronchitis, while the British Herbal Compendium indicates the use of licorice root for bronchitis.

I recently used it in conjunction with Honey - 1 ml of licorice and 1 teaspoon of honey

Worked great!

Also used as a mouth gargle prior to surgery and has research backing its effectiveness.

4. Relieve Stomach Ulcers

Licorice has antibacterial properties and has been found to help relieve stomach ulcers (many of which are caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria). Germany's Commission E approved the use of licorice root for treating ulcers.

Acid Reflux and Digestive Support

Licorice root is beneficial for digestion and helps soothe irritation and inflammation of your digestive tract.

It is approved for treating painful spasms associated with chronic gastritis by the German Standard License, and in France licorice root may be used to treat bloating, impaired digestion and gas.

An extract of licorice was also found to alleviate symptoms of functional dyspepsia (upset stomach), and a combination of extracts from licorice, chamomile, silverweed, angelica, blessed thistle and wormwood is effective in relieving indigestion and mild gastrointestinal complaints, including vomiting.

For Animals - DGL

IF you have a dog or cat on an Antacid, then this would be considered a Natural Option. I would have you consider the DGL Licorice which can then be given long term without side effects.

5. Anti-Inflammatory and Immune System Support

More than 400 compounds have been isolated from licorice, including isoliquiritigenin and naringenin. These constituents promote regulatory T cell induction, which plays a critical role in controlling immune responses and preventing autoimmunity.

Fight Viral Infections

Licorice has broad-spectrum anti-viral activity and may be effective against herpes, HIV, hepatitis, SARS and influenza.

According to one study published in the Chinese Journal of Virology, "The triterpenoids of licorice have the potential to become a novel broad-spectrum antiviral medicine and will be widely used in the clinical treatment."

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM
P.S.  I am ALSO going to be answering your MOST pressing dog and cat health questions..

P.P.S. I am recording the LIVESTREAM so you can watch a replay IF you can't make it, BUT this is available ONLY to those who sign up!
DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

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