PetMD says to take this for dog arthritis

February 25th, 2015 at 9:12 am EDT
Hello Friend,

Does your dog have any of the following symptoms?

  • Limping or Lameness
  • Slow, Stiff, or Awkward Movements
  • Chronic Itching and Scratching
  • Constant Paw Chewing and Excessive Hair Loss
  • Recurrent Ear Infections
  • Episodes of Diarrhea and/or Vomiting
  • Withdrawn and Sleeping Longer
  • Back pain

Then your dog can benefit from my Ultimate Canine Health Formula.

You can get a 50% OFF trial bottle shipped to your door here:

Here`s what PetD says are the 3 most important supplements for dog arthritis:

1. Glucosamine

Glucosamine is a naturally occurring compound composed of a sugar and an amino acid and is involved with the body's production of joint lubricants and shock absorption necessary to maintain healthy cartilage and joint function. It is manufactured in the body in the joint cartilage and is one of the major components involved with the formation of the critical lubricants and shock absorbers necessary to maintain and restore healthy joint performance. Glucosamine sulfate is also one of the building blocks of articular cartilage and it aids in the rebuilding of damaged cartilage.

Glucosamine sulfate is also beneficial to other other body structures besides joints, though. It is involved in the formation of nails, tendons, skin, eyes, synovial fluid, bone, ligaments, heart valves and in mucous secretions of the digestive, respiratory and urinary tracts. It is created in the production of proteins associated with cellular growth and structure.

Glucosamine as a nutritional supplement is extracted from crab, lobster or shrimp shells. There are three forms of Glucosamine, so when purchasing it, look for the sulfate form because it seems to be absorbed and utilized the best. Because dietary supplements are unregulated, the quality and contents may vary widely. Be sure to choose a product sold by a well established company, and consult your veterinarian as to which would be best for your dog.

2. Chondroitin Sulfate

Research on chondroitin sulfate suggests its may be beneficial in preventing stress injuries to joints as well as aiding in the repair of damaged connective tissue. Unlike pain killers which only serve to dull the pain, chondroitin sulfate addresses the disease process itself. Chondroitin sulfate may actually help the body to repair damaged cartilage and help restore joint integrity. It may also protect existing cartilage from premature breakdown as well as keep cartilage tissue hydrated and assist in cushioning impact stress.

Some studies suggest that supplementation with chondroitin sulfate can reduce joint pain significantly. Other studies have shown that combining chondroitin sulfate with glucosamine might improve each substance's beneficial effects, though this is not universally accepted.

Because chondroitin production by the body decreases with age, supplementation with this compound may be especially helpful for older dogs with arthritis.

3. Other Joint Sparing Products (MSM)

The green-lipped mussel called Perna canaliculus, is a source of chondroitin and other beneficial nutrients. The sea cucumber is believed to provide assist in the elimination of pain. They provide essential nutrients required by cartilage. Another arthritis fighting supplement is called methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). It provides sulfur compounds that may inhibit pain.

Source:, By T.J. Dunn, Jr., DVM

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM
P.S.  My supplement contains Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM in above average quantities to give your dog immediate and lasting relief from arthritis pain.

If you have YET to try it you should

You can get a 50% OFF trial bottle shipped to your door here:

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

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