Hello Friend,
Welcome to Thursday!
Today's article is a little unusual (but real), and regular exercise is pretty important to preventing disease..
Something else that may help
In my opinion, a quality supplement with a variety of immune supportive products are key.
Such as antioxidants, essential fatty acids, probiotics, colostrum
One such option is my supplement- you can use others, but just make sure they have most of those ingredients. Mine just also happens to have higher than typical levels of ingredients, and is proving helpful for thousands of pets.
My supplements are here:
| | Germans must walk their dogs twice a day, new law will saySource: The Guardian Minister to introduce law next year to ensure nation’s 9.4 million dogs get enough exercise
Germany’s dog owners will soon to be ordered by law to walk their pets twice a day.
The country’s agriculture minister, Julia Klöckner, has said she is introducing the new law based on evidence that many of the nation’s 9.4 million dogs are not getting the exercise or stimuli they need.
Under the new regulations in the Hundeverordnung, or Dogs Act, owners will not get away with a quick jog round the block, but will be required to take their dogs out for at least one hour on each occasion.
Klöckner said the rules were based on new scientific findings that show dogs need a “sufficient measure of activity and contact with environmental stimuli”, including other animals, nature and people. The tethering of dogs on a chain or a lead for long periods also faces an all-out ban.
Dogs may not be left alone at home all day, and a person will be required to take care of their dog “several times a day”.
Klöckner said: “Dogs are not cuddly toys. They also have their own needs, which need to be taken into account.”
News of the law, which is due to be introduced next year and was made widely known for the first time this week, has prompted a lively debate in Germany.
The main question is how it will be possible to check up on the 19% of German households that own dogs, which as pets are second in popularity only to cats.
A spokeswoman for the agricultural ministry has said the authorities in each of Germany’s 16 states will be responsible for enforcing the law.
But ridicule over the regulation has come even from within Klöckner’s own party, the Christian Democratic Union. Saskia Ludwig, a CDU MP who also sits in the state assembly for Brandenburg in Potsdam, said the current heatwave meant it was not suitable for dogs to be out for so long. She tweeted: “VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE: I will not be taking my Rhodesian Ridgeback for two rounds of walks in 32 degrees heat, rather we will jump in the river for a refreshing cool down instead.”
Bärbel Kleid, the owner of a five-year-old Yorkshire terrier called Sam, who lives in Berlin, said: “I find it patronising to be told how long I should take my dog out for. And who is going to check up on me? Will the neighbour call the police if they suspect me of not taking Sam for long enough walks? He wouldn’t manage two hours a day anway.”
Walther Schweiz, said his dog, a 14-year-old Alsatian called Blu has cancer, and was unable to do more than short walks close to his house in Cologne.
“They should trust people to get on with their own lives. They’ll be telling cat owners how often they need to change their litter trays next,” he said.
Veterinary Secrets Pet of the Week!
Thank you for such a great product!
My dogs have had more energy since I started to give them ultimate advanced in May 2020. Our 13.5 yr old red nose pitbull Leo was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April 2020. Sadly, we lost our baby boy recently but he had more energy these last months. Our 5 yr old pit bull Bella & Leo were inseparable. We will always miss our Leo. See attached photo.
Thank you for your time.
Regards, Mary Hernandez
(Thanks Mary!)
| |
| Heal Your Pet At Home!
Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew Jones, DVM |
P.S. Not a well thought out law..clearly it's important that you regularly exercise your dogs, but we DON'T need the government telling us..
P.P.S. This is optional, but I encourage you to to check it out..
If you have yet to TRY my supplements, they are 37% OFF here
| DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.
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