Naturally Stop Your Dog from Itching

March 3rd, 2017 at 8:48 am EDT
Hello Friend,

A cheery FRIDAY to you!

Today's article covers my approach to allergies, with all of my TOP suggested remedies

Allergy is multifactorial ( ie many causes), which then requires many potential things to prevent it. 

In my opinion, a quality supplement with a variety of anti-itch products are key.

Such as antioxidants, essential fatty acids, probiotics, colostrum

One such option is my supplement- you can use others, but just make sure they have most of those ingredients. Mine just also happens to have higher than typical levels of ingredients, and is proving helpful for thousands of pets.

My supplements are here:

Allergies: Dr Jones' Steps To Naturally Stopping the ITCHING

This is one of the most common, and most frustrating, medical conditions affecting primarily dogs but also cats. Allergy is defined as a hypersensitivity in which exposure to a benign protein (allergen) causes your pet’s immune system to overreact.

In both people, and dogs and cats, the incidence of allergies is increasing.

External signs: itchiness, constant or intermittent scratching, chronic paw licking, skin rashes, and recurring ear infections. Respiratory signs: runny eyes and nose. Intestinal signs: vomiting and diarrhea.

Three main possibilities: external parasites, such as fleas; food—for dogs, beef protein is the most common; for cats, fish or milk are the most common food allergens; environmental, from pollens to house dust mites. 

The immune system overreacts and causes severe itchiness.

Atopy (environmental allergy)

Atopy (environmental allergy) can develop in any dog, but certain breeds are predisposed, such as terriers and retrievers. In cats the disease is heritable.

Skin allergen exposure is an important additional part of the cause. It involves complex mechanisms and cells such as cytokines and T cells, which secrete an antibody (IgE). 

This antibody in conjunction with the allergen (i.e., grass) then causes mast cells to release inflammatory components: histamine, leukotrienes, and substance P.

This then results in the inflammation and itching (pruritis).

Food allergy

Food allergy, or food hypersensitivity, causes a variety of effects on dogs and cats, the most common being itchiness of the skin. Proteins in the food become recognized by your pet’s immune system as foreign and are attacked. 

This causes inflammation, which usually shows up in the skin, but also can show up in the intestinal tract as vomiting or diarrhea. Other organs can also be involved if they are attacked by the immune system.
Most common signs of food allergy in dogs are foot and paw chewing, itching of the groin, hair loss, facial itching, and recurring ear infections. 

The more common signs of food allergy in cats are itchiness, scabs, and hair loss on the face and neck.

A common misconception is that food allergies usually happen after a recent diet change. In fact, the opposite is true. Most food allergies usually happen after the food has been fed for over two years, not just a few weeks.

Most dogs and cats have been eating the food allergen for years before it becomes a problem.

In dogs the most common allergens are beef, chicken, egg, cow milk, wheat, soy, fish, rice, potato, and corn. Most dogs (in one study it was 80 percent) react to just one or two food items.

In cats the most common allergens are chicken, fish, and dairy products, plus common carbohydrates, including wheat, rice, and corn.


ELIMINATE the fleas
. Practice regular flea control using natural methods, if possible (see Fleas), topical antiparasitics, if necessary.

WHAT IS GOING IN YOUR PET’S MOUTH? STOP THE TREATS. If you suspect that your pet is allergic to something in his or her diet, first stop all traditional treats (Milk-Bones) and table scraps. Safe treats include those made without animal protein or dairy products (those made with oats and apples) or vegetables from your fridge (e.g., carrots). If your pet is still scratching after three weeks, it may be an allergic reaction to the dog or cat’s regular food.

Hypoallergenic Food Trial

Here you are feeding a hypoallergenic diet for ten to twelve weeks to see if your dog or cat’s allergic symptoms stop. This is a long time, and fortunately over 80 percent of pets respond at least partially by six weeks, although Labs and cocker spaniels usually need longer trials.

What to feed

The big point here is to feed a novel protein and ingredient source that your dog or cat has not been fed—and least likely to be allergic to.

For dogs I encourage you to avoid these ingredients first: beef, chicken, egg, cow milk, wheat, and corn. For cats avoid these ingredients: chicken, fish, dairy, and all carbohydrates.

Commercial diets that I have had success with in dogs include unique ingredients such as fish and sweet potato.

Commercial diets for cats need to be animal protein based, I prefer one that is poultry, but not chicken, such as turkey or duck.

Home Allergy Diet for a Fifty-Pound Dog

Boiled white fish 2 cups
Boiled potatoes or cooked rice 2 cups
Calcium carbonate or Tums 1 teaspoon
Fish oil 1 tablespoon
Potassium chloride (light salt) 1 teaspoon
One a Day multivitamin 1 tablet

Mix all ingredients together and divide into equal portions, feeding two-and-a-half cups in the morning and two-and-a-half cups in the evening.

Feline Home Allergy Diet for a Ten-Pound Cat

Turkey Breast 1 cup
Fish oil 1 tablespoon
Calcium carbonate or Tums ½ teaspoon
Potassium chloride ¼ teaspoon
One A Day multivitamin ½ tablet
Taurine 500 mg

Mix all ingredients so they are well blended together. This will make two cups of food, enough for two days. Feed one-half cup in the morning and one-half cup in the evening.

Whatever food you choose, it must be fed for twelve weeks. If after twelve weeks your pet is still scratching, he or she probably does not have a food allergy.

NATURAL COMMERCIAL DIETS. Your pet can be allergic to anything in the food. Some pets will do well with a more natural, simple diet that is naturally preserved. A few popular brands I have had success with include Wellness, Innova, and California Natural.

TO THE BATH. An oatmeal shampoo with cool water will ease the itchiest skin. Leave the shampoo on for ten minutes, then rinse well. With the most severe allergies, bathe your pet twice weekly.

FEET WASHING. Regularly washing of your dog’s paws after they come in from being outside is one of the best ways to decrease the itching; this washes off the outdoor allergens. You can use a damp cloth or put your pup in the bath.

SOOTHE IT TOPICALLY. Calendula ointment is an herbal medication that has been successfully used to relieve the itch. Apply a thin coat twice daily to affected areas.

THE SUPPLEMENT CONNECTION. Fatty acid supplements are very helpful in decreasing the level of inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids are most important. The main point is to give a high enough dose to be effective, and the ideal dose is 1,000 mg per ten pounds daily. A great, inexpensive source is flax oil; I give 1 tablespoon per fifty pounds. Cats are unable to metabolize flax, so I only recommend the liquid fish oil supplement for them. Other sources include primrose oil and specific veterinary supplements.

ANTIOXIDANTS. Vitamin E and vitamin C may help: the vitamin E dose is 100 IU per ten pounds of body weight once daily; the vitamin C dose is 100 mg per ten pounds of body weight once daily.

ANTIHISTAMINES. Benadryl is the most commonly used antihistamine. It is given at a dose of 1 mg per pound of body weight, two to three times a day. Cats respond well to Chlor-Tripolon at 2 mg two to three times a day. It is best to consult your veterinarian before using these medications. It often takes fourteen days of using these to see if they are helping.

BIOFLAVONOIDS. These are compounds found in the pigment of fruits and vegetables. One found in apples, quercetin, has been shown to be effective in reducing itchiness in people: the dose is 25 mg per ten pounds of body weight twice daily.

PROBIOTICS. The good bacteria found in yogurt, and my supplements, Ultimate Feline and Ultimate Canine Health Formula. One study examined whether the use of a probiotic supplement or a placebo could affect the incidence of eczema in infants—eczema is a common allergic skin condition of people. Over one thousand pregnant women were randomized, with 50 percent of the mothers taking probiotics, and their children took it for the first two years of life. The probiotic-consuming mothers had children that were 30 percent less likely to have eczema. The thought here is that the immune system needs to learn how to react appropriately to some bacteria, so it doesn’t overreact to “normal” environmental components and cause allergies. The main point is that if you have an allergic pet, you should administer probiotics for at least ninety days to see if they can help. If you have a pet coming from an allergic line, then get the dog or cat on probiotics as a puppy or kitten.

A PLEASANT ODOR. Flower essences may soothe your itchy pet. Some common ones are agrimony, cherry plum, and walnut. Give your pet two to three drops of each essence daily for two weeks and assess if it is helping.


May decrease the severity of the itchiness. You can pull up a plant, and squeeze out the root, applying the fluid topically to your pet’s inflamed skin.

LICORICE ROOT. Can be used with care, but not long term. The dose is 50 mg per ten pounds of body weight of the dried herb or one drop per pound of body weight twice daily of the tincture. It must not be used if your pet has liver, kidney, or heart disease.

OREGON GRAPE ROOT. A traditional anti-inflammatory that also has antibacterial properties. The dose is 200 mg per ten pounds twice daily of the dried herb or one drop per pound twice daily of the tincture.

A Basic Formula for Chronic Skin Problems:
• Two parts burdock root, one part dandelion, one part red clover, one part garlic powder.
• Use the tincture (buy individual tinctures, mix together) or tea (blend herbs in a tea).
• Provide additional flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, borage seed oil, or fish oil
• Dose: one tablespoon per forty pounds of your pet’s body weight daily. This assists organ functions and helps nutrient absorption. It’s also important to keep in mind that tonic herbs work slowly, and it may take several days or even weeks to see results.

HERBAL CREAMS. There are a few herbs to consider topically: Licorice gel, chamomile cream, and topical curcumin.

One double-blind study compared a 1% and 2% licorice gel compared to a placebo gel for eczema. After two weeks, both the 1% and 2% licorice gels were more effective than the placebo gel.

Another study compared chamomile cream to 0.5% hydrocortisone cream or placebo. After two weeks, the chamomile cream was more effective than the hydrocortisone cream.

Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and may be very beneficial for topical allergy treatment.


. For redness and itching, which is what you see in most skin disorders. The dose: 30C every four hours for three days (short term), or 30C twice daily for four weeks (long term).

ARSENICUM. This is another common remedy for chronic, itchy skin in dogs and cats. I would think of it especially if there is vomiting and diarrhea as well. The dose is 30C every twelve hours for four weeks, then assess results.

TOPICAL TREATMENT: There are new topical therapies that help the skin barrier (epidermal barrier). The big difference with EFAs is that these are applied directly to your pet’s skin, and provide an ingredient called ceramides; these are a key part of the skin barrier.

Allerderm Spot-On. It contains ceramides and fatty acid-containing liquid; it is applied topically, similar to how monthly flea medications are applied. The directions are: apply one pipette a week for four weeks and then one pipette a month for maintenance.

Dermoscent Essential Spot-On. This has one small scientific study backing its effectiveness. The directions are: apply one pipette a week for eight weeks and then one pipette every two weeks for maintenance.

Douxo Seborrhea Shampoo, Douxo Seborrhea Micro-emulsion Spray, and Duoxo Seborrhea Spot-On. The spot-on directions are to apply once weekly for four weeks and then twice monthly for maintenance.

HONEY. Local honey contains very tiny amounts of pollen. These tiny amounts of pollen are not enough to trigger the allergic reaction in your pet when they ingest the local honey, but each time your pet eats the local honey, he or she begins to build up a tolerance to the pollen. Eventually, the thought is that your allergic pet will be able to tolerate the amount of pollen usually present in the environment. You can give your dog or cat 1 teaspoon per 10 lbs daily. Do this for 60 days to test the effectiveness. Make sure it is raw (unpasteurized) local honey.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV). For allergies, dry itchy skin, hot spots, skin infections, or yeast infections - bathe your pet in warm water then rinse with a solution of 1 part ACV to 3 parts water. This vinegar rinse will also leave their coats soft and shiny. This can be used twice a week.

COLOSTRUM. Research has found an ingredient known as praline-rich polypeptide (PRP) in bovine colostrum; it appears to be what is helping decrease the allergy symptoms. The colostrum dose for dogs with allergies varies based on the company; I advise giving ¼ of the human dose per 20lbs daily. My supplement, Ultimate Canine Health Formula contains bovine colostrum in adequate levels for your dog. 
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Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM
P.S. There are MANY options- start with the 1st steps. do a PROPER Food Trial, and then start with 1 remedy at a time.

P.P.S. If you have yet to TRY my supplements, I encourage you to do so/

They are helping HUNDREDS of Dogs with Allergies ( and some cats!)

Now they are 50% OFF

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

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