Ever felt overcharged?

December 6th, 2010 at 3:20 am EDT

You are receiving this e-mail as a part of your subscription to Dr. Jones' newsletter, 'Veterinary Sec.rets'. See subscription information below.

Hello Friend, welcome to Monday...

Ever felt overcharged?

Writing a regular newsletter about dog and cat health means I get a TONNE of emails.

Often it relates to a not so pleasant experience at a Veterinarian.

Well being a former practicing Veterinarian, means I can give you some insight into WHY and WHAT you can do about it..

Perhaps you were rushed through a 2 minute appointment, or NOT listened to.

Maybe you felt overcharged, or that the Vet wanted to do a tonne of Tests.

Many of you have had conventional medication side effects with your pets.


Veterinary Medicine has changed dramatically in the last 30 years… gone are the days of James Herriot when Veterinarians treated every type of animal, and regularly made house calls.

This is the 21st Century, where a dog may be man's best friend, but that pet has a price tag.

If your pet becomes seriously ill, you can easily spend thousands. For example, each year about thousands of pets have chemotherapy for cancer, costing on average $3,000.

Cats with renal failure, a common health problem, can now get an $8,000 to $10,000 kidney transplant, followed by $1000-a-year regimens of immunosuppressive drugs.

Veterinarians can do wonderful advanced life saving procedures...but it sure isn’t cheap.

Veterinary costs have dramatically risen- including salaries and escalating equipment fees.

Clients expect more, but it means it costs more.

WHAT can you do?

Become an Empowered Pet Owner.

The BIGGEST Key to avoid getting taken advantage of by any Veterinarian is by being an involved and empowered pet owner.

Take Charge of Your pet's health care.

You know your pet better that anyone else.

How well do you think a Veterinarian can get to know your pet with a 15 minute visit once a year?

In this newsletter, Veterinary Secrets, the one big thing that I talk about over and over again is how you as a concerned pet owner can begin caring for your pet at home today!

You can begin to offer treatment options such as herbs, Homeopathics, Acupressure and Massage, that most Veterinarians won't even consider.

You can begin to practice preventive health care with your pet.

Let's use allergies as an example. Many of you have allergic pets.

Your vet may have prescribed a steroid. They work, the stop the itching fast, BUT they have serious side effects and the itching usually comes back.

After utilizing my course, you will know the specifics of first eliminating external parasites as a cause.

You will then be able to perform a proper food elimination trial.

You will begin to add in supplements to decrease the intensity of the itch.

You may try a Chinese Herbal combination that can eliminate the itch WITHOUT steroids.

This is ONLY one small example - but do you see how you can take charge of your pet's health care and have a happier healthier pet?

You can do it today.

My Complete Home Study Course is here:



P.S. There are HUNDREDS of testimonials from dog and cat owners who have used my Home Study Course thousands of times to Heal their Pets at home.

It works.

And you have a FULL 60 days to try it out..with my NO QUESTIONS return policy.

See it here:


P.P.S. Thanks to those of you who have signed the petition!!

If not, you can go to:

The petition not on facebook:


The facebook petition:


You can directly contact The College:

Attention: Registrar Valerie Osborne
College of Veterinarians of British Columbia
#107 - 828 Harbourside Drive

North Vancouver, BC  V7P 3R9

Tel:  1-604-929-7090

Fax:  1-604-929-7095

General email: reception@cvbc.ca

P.P.P.S. Please forward the petition to your pet own

ing friends and family.

Thanks for ALL of your support.


Heal Your Pets At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

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