46 Toxins to AVOID

August 16th, 2012 at 5:39 am EDT

Hello to you this Thursday...

I am back from a brief family vacation, and now off to a soccer tournament in Portland.

Wow- it's a lot of work being 'under employed' ( ie now that I am not in regular veterinary practice)


What to eat and what to avoid

TOXINS to Avoid: 10 Foods, 5 Household products, and 26 plants

Here is just a part of over 200 articles in My
Inner Circle:

The Top 10 Foods to Avoid Feeding to Your Pet



3.Chocolate (all forms of chocolate)

4.Coffee (all forms of coffee)

5.Fatty foods


7.Moldy or spoiled foods

8.Onions, onion powder

9.Raisins and grapes


Common Household Hazards

1.Blue-green algae in ponds

2.Citronella candles

3.Cocoa mulch

4.Compost piles


Toxic Plants

There are a large number number of toxic plants. The most common signs of a plant poison are vomiting and diarrhea ( gastrointestinal signs).

These can affect other organs, resulting in liver or kidney damage,depending on the plant. The following is a good list to start with.

Holiday Plants

Amaryllis spp.

Celastrus spp. "Bittersweet"

Chrysanthemum spp.

Colchicum autumnale "Autumn Crocus"

Euonymus japonicus "Japanese Euonymus"

Euphorbia milii "Crown of Thorns"

E. pulcherrima "Poinsettia"

Helleborus niger "Christmas Rose"

Ilex spp. "Holly"

Phoradendron spp. "American Mistletoe"

Solanum pseudocapsicum "Jerusalem Cherry"

Common House Plants

Alocasia spp. "Caladiums"

Azalea spp. "Weeping Fig" "Creeping Fig" "Mistletoe Fig" "Rubber Plant"

Dieffenbachia spp. "Dumb Cane"

Hydrangea spp.

Hedera helix spp. (many indoor ivies)

Ligustrum spp. "Japonicum'texanum'"

Narcissus spp. "Paperwhites" and other winter forced bulbs

Nicotiana spp. "Ornamental Tobacco"

Philodendron spp.

Rhododendron Ficus spp. "Weeping Fig" "Creeping Fig" "Mistletoe Fig" "Rubber Plant"

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

 P.S. I am of the FIRM belief that it is BETTER to PREVENT
than have to TREAT..But the ONLY way to KNOW How to Preven Toxic Emergencies is by being aware and educated about EXACTLY what they are. The BEST way to get ALL of this is by becoming a Member of Dr Andrew Jones' Inner Circle 2.0..


DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and
is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian.
Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of
B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific
questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific
medical recommendations for your pet.

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