Subject: Reminder☯ Unleash the Real You CALL starts in an hour!

Hello Friend,

'The UNLEASH THE REAL YOU' Call is starts in an hour- Dial in a few minutes before 3pm EST- (time zones below)

Call in details
Call in #: 518-530-1840

*Yes a replay will come through soon after - only available for a few days so calendar 30 minutes and tune in! 

SPECIAL INVITATION to join my small group retreat in the Peruvian Amazon!

Unleash the Real You!

Be True to You!

Stephanie Trager, Esq.
Personal Coach & Business Strategist
Coach & Consultant, Shaman, Attorney

There is No Limit to Your Potential!

*Unlocking Purpose, Unleashing Potential, Upleveling Impact*
P.O. Box 1183, Pearl River, New York 10965, United States
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