Subject: News from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin Oxford

What’s in a name?

by Hannah Cartwright

I have the joy and privilege of baptising/christening many children and adults; it is one of my favourite parts of Ministry.

Naming plays a significant part in baptism as the person is named before God and the congregation, then baptised ‘in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit’. As part of the baptismal rite, a child is given their ‘Christian [first] name’ to mark their distinctiveness as a person amongst those who share their family [sur]name(s). Adults or older children may also choose to take on an additional name at baptism, such as the name of a Saint to follow in the example of, or to reaffirm their baptismal vows in a new chosen name after a major life event such as gender affirmation and transition. There are many occasions in the Bible when a new name or change of name are given as a sign of transformation or blessing; such as Israel (formerly Jacob) or Abraham and Sarah (formerly Abram and Sarai). The first thing God does after creating humanity is to give the name ‘Adam’ and there are also times when God individually chooses the name of a person with a particular purpose eg. the Angel Gabriel tells Mary to name the child Jesus meaning ‘Saviour or God saves’.

Names often carry with them great meaning and expectation or tell us something significant about someone’s culture or character which is why it is so important that we find a name which ‘fits’ and feels congruent with who and how we choose to be in the world. For some this means a change of name, for others using an abbreviation or nickname. Our names, in many ways, represent us. They are not solely for our own benefit but they carry with them the authority of the person. We are sent out ‘in the name of Jesus’ not to speak our words but to share his and to act in his stead for which we have been commissioned. We are not called in the generic and we are not sent in the generic, we are specifically named, individually known and uniquely called by God for a particular purpose in this world.

On 11th September we will celebrate our Patronal Festival, the feast of the Saint from whom we take our name: Mary. The name Mary has a fascinating Hebrew and Aramaic heritage of its own but, we choose to take on Mary’s name because of her significance in God’s story of salvation and we continue to look to the example of her grace-filled life of openness and joyful consent to the unexpected work of God, her persistence in prayer and her unflinching and costly dedication from the labour of birth to the foot of the Cross and beyond. Our community take Mary’s name as an aspiration and encouragement in our own discipleship in following her Son who, with the prophet Isaiah, gives us cause to rejoice as God reassures us with the words:

‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine.’ (Isaiah 43.1)

Livestreamed Services

at the University Church


President: The Revd Dr William Lamb

Preacher: The Revd Canon Dr Bruce Kinsey

We are back livestreaming our morning service. Please bear with us as we get accustomed to our new AV system and train new staff. For any comments or suggestions, please email

Please subscribe to our social media channels to ensure you see the videos in your newsfeed and you are alerted to all our other events.



The annual Oxford Ride and Stride event will be taking place on 10th September in aid of the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust. There are lots of ways to get involved to help to raise funds and offer hospitality. If you are interested in volunteering to take part in this event, please speak to Ana-Maria Niculcea or email her: You can find out more about the event on the OHCT website:


During Michaelmas Term we would like to offer Coffee and Croissants on a Wednesday morning in the De Brome Chapel as a way of extending our ministry of hospitality during the week and reaching out to our wider community. Alice Willington and Janet Greenland would love to hear from you about whether 9:30am or 11:15am would be a more suitable time and also would be really grateful of some volunteers to assist. We very much hope that lots of friendly faces will join us and invite others for this weekly informal chance to drop in and chat.


Next Sunday we celebrate the Patronal Festival of this Church, dedicated to St Mary the Virgin. All are warmly invited to stay for celebratory drinks after the morning service and to join us at the former St Cross Church at 5pm for a service of Choral Evensong.


The Diocese of Oxford has joined Citizens UK in providing a safer, more streamlined system designed to provide support for those undertaking the sponsorship process for supporting Ukrainian Refugees. For more information on hosting or supporting refugees visit:


Stile Antico, our Ensemble in Residence, will be offering two events in the

autumn. There is a concert, A Garden of Delights, which will take place at 8.00pm on 23 September 2022, and a workshop for singers on Saturday 12 November 2022 beginning at 2.30pm. Please make a note in your diaries if you would like to attend either of these events. You can book on the church website.

NEW TO ST MARY’S? If you are new to St Mary’s and have started coming to services in the last six months or so, we may not have your contact details. If you would like to find out more about what is going on at the University Church, please email with your name, address and telephone number and ask for your name to be added to the Parish Directory. This directory is used only by parish staff but it enables us to get in touch with you as the need arises.

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