Subject: News from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin

Lenten Transformation

By James Roberts

Lent is a period of change and transformation. Not only do we look inwards at ourselves and seek to change our own habits in this season, but we patiently wait for the transformations which the Easter period promises. 


I am always struck by how this liturgical season of gradual transformation coincides with a season of rebirth; as the leaves unfurl and bulbs push through the earth, the air gets lighter and the days warmer. 


But this year change feels far less tangible, as our lives are suspended in lockdowns and isolation, and future plans are cautious and considered. We are acutely aware of the repetitiveness and inertia of our zoom-based, house-bound existences. Even the growth of the narcissus bulbs sitting on my windowsill seems to have slowed to an excruciatingly slow pace. 


One of the challenges of this Lent, for me, is to consider how this very repetitiveness can be transformative; perhaps in the repeated simplicity of saying the Jesus Prayer, or the familiar words of the Lord’s Prayer. Behind this practice is the reassurance that in the repetitiveness of these words and deeds, and in this seemingly frozen social period, change and transformation are in fact happening. This echoes the belief of the Russian monastic Mother Maria Skobtsova, that everything can, and indeed must, be transformed. The seasons are progressing, the narcissus bulbs will eventually bloom, and the promise of Pascal transfiguration is not only a future hope, but the ground of our very being. 

James Roberts is a DPhil student in the department of theology and religion, writing about the theology of Mother Maria Skobtsova (1891-1945). 

Sunday 28 February: Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday Services

There will be two services on Sunday 28 February.

8.30am - Holy Eucharist in the Chancel

10.30am - Sung Eucharist in the Nave

The capacity for these services is now full. There is a waiting list available.

Those attending must have registered on Eventbrite to ensure that we have your contact details for test and trace, and to ensure that we maintain social distancing.

On the day of the service, please remember to arrive in good time to ensure everyone gets seated in a safe and organised manner before the beginning of the service. It is a legal requirement to wear a mask when attending our services, unless you are exempt.

Registration for services on Sunday 7 March 2021 is possible at the links below:

8.30am - Holy Eucharist in the Chancel

Register Here

10.30am - Sung Eucharist in the Nave

Register Here

Sunday Focus: Early fatherhood in lockdown measures

Hugh Conway-Morris is going to talk to us about “Early fatherhood in lockdown measures” – a discussion on maternity and paternity services, home births, being a new father, and the mash-up of home-life and work-life that Covid has imposed on us.

Hugh is a regular member of the congregation at St Mary’s, and (lockdowns allowing) a keen singer in the choir.  He is an architect and carpenter, specialising in the conservation of historic buildings and traditional craftsmanship.  He is married to Gabrielle, and they are very much enjoying bringing up their son Alexander together.

This is the sixth of a series of conversations and interviews as we explore a number of different issues. There will be opportunity for questions, conversation, as well as a cuppa and a chat.

Online Worship:

Every Sunday, we livestream the 10.30am service on our YouTube channel. We also publish a recording of it on our website around 1pm.

Please subscribe to our social media channels to ensure you see the videos in your newsfeed and you are alerted to all our other online events coming in Hilary term.

Hilary Term

Bible Study - Thursdays, 12.45pm on Zoom

In the course of Hilary Term, we will be exploring Luke's gospel through the resources provided by the Visual Commentary on Scripture. 

4 March          Luke 23:34 The Casting of Lots  

Click here to see the termcard and all our events for this term.

If you would like to sign up for any of our events, please fill out the Keeping in touch form here.

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