Subject: News from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin

Walking back to happiness

by the Revd Susannah Reide

One of the things I have noticed recently, is the elevated value of the humble walk with a friend.

For me, one of the most challenging things about the first lockdown was the social isolation and so I have been very relieved that this lockdown, we are still able to meet - socially distanced - with one other person for exercise. This has made a huge difference to the bearability of other restrictions.

In a recent Sunday Zoom conversation with a congregation over the river from SMV, different people described the walks they had taken that weekend, and who they had met. It turned out that several of us had bumped into the same couple near Christchurch Meadow at different times, and it began to feel as if we had all, intermittently and unintentionally, been on an interconnected walk together.

I also notice that, due to limited daylight hours and routes around Cowley, I almost always bump into someone I know when I am out walking. Oxford feels more like a village than ever. Recently someone asked what I was doing on my day off; and my answer was, “Going for a walk with a friend - this is as good as it gets at the moment.” 

And there is a war-time flavour to things, with our health workers giving their all on the front lines, while civilians like me try to help by complying with restrictions for the greater good.

As we return to our online university life this Hilary Term, I am noticing the longer term effects of protracted social isolation. People are struggling to stay motivated as they continue to work from their bedrooms. Some students are desperate to return to live in Oxford; others are relieved to have left.

So I see the humble walk as one of our greatest strengths at this time. A way to connect with a friend and with our wider community. Happy walking!

Walking back to happiness (Audio)

Interim Cathedral Chaplain

On Friday, it was announced that the Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker has been appointed as the Interim Cathedral Chaplain at the Cathedral. Charlotte goes to the Cathedral with our love and prayers. The details of her appointment can be found here:

Sunday 24 January: The Third Sunday after Epiphany

Sunday Services

There will be two services on Sunday 24 January.

8.30am - Holy Eucharist in the Chancel

Register here

10.30am - Sung Eucharist in the Nave

Register here

Those attending must have registered on Eventbrite to ensure that we have your contact details for test and trace, and to ensure that we maintain social distancing.

On the day of the service, please remember to arrive in good time to ensure everyone gets seated in a safe and organised manner before the beginning of the service. It is a legal requirement to wear a mask when attending our services, unless you are exempt.

Registration for services on Sunday 31 January 2021 will be possible on the website at 12noon on Sunday 24 January.

Sunday Focus:

Join us for a discussion on Zoom at 4pm on Sunday.

Peter McMullin, a member of our congregation and the University Church Choir, will be speaking on: Covid, Ovid, Corvids and Coping: Creativity and self-survival during a pandemic.

This is the second of a series of conversations and interviews as we explore a number of different issues. There will be opportunity for questions, conversation, as well as a cuppa and a chat.

Online Worship:

Every Sunday, we will publish a recording of the 10.30am service at 1pm.

Please subscribe to our social media channels to ensure you see the videos in your newsfeed and you are alerted to all our other online events coming in Hilary term.

Hilary Term

Poetry Hour - Wednesday 27 January, 5.30pm

Join us for an hour of the consolation and insight given by writing and reading of poetry. Wednesday evenings on 27th Jan, 10th Feb, 24th Feb, 10th Mar.

This week we will be looking at animals in poetry.

Bible Study - Thursdays, 12.45pm on Zoom

In the course of Hilary Term, we will be exploring Luke's gospel through the resources provided by the Visual Commentary on Scripture. 

28 January     Luke 2:8–20 The Adoration of the Shepherds 

Click here to see the termcard and all our events for this term.

If you would like to sign up for any of our events, please fill out the Keeping in touch form here.

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